
Treasures from the Archives (2): Pre-Mature Americans

March 31, 2011
Treasures from the Archives (2):  Pre-Mature Americans

The socialization and assimilation of second generation children of immigrants promoted by World War II is a relatively well-known phenomenon.  Peter Carroll has argued that for many of the children-of-immigrant volunteers in the Lincoln Brigade, service in Spain was, in a complex way, a path towards Americanization.  This insight is powerfully borne out in...
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Nueva York (5): The Olondo Brothers

March 30, 2011
Nueva York (5):  The Olondo Brothers

Some years ago, a student of mine did a back-of-the-envelope calculation of the percentage of Hispanic surnames that are included on the Lincoln Brigade roster, and she came up with the figure of 8% – 12%.  The ALBA archives contain the personal papers of roughly 280 volunteers, or about 10% of the total number...
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Treasures from the Archives (1): Bernard Danchik

March 23, 2011
Treasures from the Archives (1):  Bernard Danchik

Today I had the pleasure of introducing the Spanish journalist, Anna Grau, to the treasures of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives.  Together, we went through the scrapbook of Bernard Danchik, a young gymnast from Brooklyn, who lobbied for, and participated in, the Olimpiada Popular, an alternative anti-fascist sports competition organized in Barcelona in 1936,...
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Memorial for Matti Mattson

March 19, 2011
Memorial for Matti Mattson

The haunting strains of “El Cant dels Ocells” – a Catalonian folk song orchestrated by the great cellist and Spanish Civil War refugee Pau Casals—were the overture to the memorial service for Lincoln vet, Matti August Mattson, held yesterday, March 18, in the auditorium of NYU’s King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center. The...
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Next Stop: Guernica

March 18, 2011
By and
Next Stop: Guernica

ALBA Board Member Soledad Fox recently sent me this lovely dispatch about an excursion she led of US college students to the town of Gernika in the Basque Country.  A professor at Williams College, Fox is the author of the outstanding book about Constancia de la Mora, In War and Exile:  International Voice for...
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Nueva York (3): Club Julio A. Mella in Harlem

March 8, 2011
Nueva York (3): Club Julio A. Mella in Harlem

The Club Julio A. Mella in Spanish Harlem was named after the founder of Cuba’s Communist party.  The exhibition “Nueva York:  1613 – 1945” (New-York Historical Society and Museo del Barrio), featured the original of this painting of that club by Henry Glintenkamp, as part of the exhibition’s final section.  In this closing sequence...
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Nueva York (2): Langston Hughes on Cuban Lincoln volunteer Basilio Cueria

March 7, 2011
Nueva York (2):  Langston Hughes on Cuban Lincoln volunteer Basilio Cueria

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the curators of the museum show “Nueva York:  1613 – 1945” (New-York Historical Society, Museo del Barrio) used the Spanish Civil War in New York as a kind of provisional endpoint for the exhibition’s sweeping narrative about Spanish-speakers in Gotham.  The exhibition showed how the war brought...
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ALBA: A Laboratory of Experiments in Moral Courage

February 20, 2011
ALBA:  A Laboratory of Experiments in Moral Courage

The thousands of documents, images and artifacts that make up the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives can mean different things to different people. To the veterans and their immediate friends and family, the Archives are, among other things, a repository of the personal papers and effects of loved ones, a kind of extended and collective...
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Wikileaks avant la wiki (3): Department of State press release, Mar. 4, 1946.

February 13, 2011
Wikileaks avant la wiki (3): Department of State press release, Mar. 4, 1946.

Opening statement from the US Department of State, from the publication “The Spanish Government and the Axis,” a collection of the wartime correspondence between Franco, Hitler and Mussolini which was discovered in Germany in 1945: THE GOVERNMENTS of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America have exchanged views with regard to...
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Book Review: The Spanish Right and the Jews

June 1, 2010
Book Review: The Spanish Right and the Jews

Isabelle Rohr, The Spanish Right and the Jews, 1898-1945: Anti-Semitism and Opportunism, Brighton/Portland Sussex University Press, 2008. This is an intriguing study of the relationship mostly of the Spanish Right, but also until the post-Franco years, of the Spanish state itself, with its own Jews, so to speak, the Sephardic community. It hearkens back...
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