
Facing Fascism, in Tampa, Florida, for example

March 30, 2012
Facing Fascism, in Tampa, Florida, for example

Tampa, Florida was a sleepy town of just a few thousand inhabitants when, in 1885, the Spanish cigarmakers Vicente Martínez Ybor and Ignacio Haya decided to relocate their “clear Havana tobacco” cigar factories to the area from Key West.  (They had relocated in 1869 from Havana to Key West to avoid both the high...
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Tremlett Reviews Preston’s “Spanish Holocaust”

March 9, 2012
Tremlett Reviews Preston’s “Spanish Holocaust”

Giles Tremlett, correspondent of The Guardian in Madrid, and author of Ghosts of Spain, reviews Paul Preston’s latest book about terrorism and its legacy in Franco’s Spain. “Franco had time to impose his own version of history, which still prevents contemporary Spain from “looking upon its recent violent past in an open and honest...
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Ronald Fraser (1930-2012)

February 15, 2012
Ronald Fraser (1930-2012)

The historian Ronald Fraser, author Blood of Spain, has died in Spain, where he lived. Blood of Spain, Tariq Ali writes in The Guardian, "is a peerless account of the Spanish civil war, carefully constructed from interviews with participants on both sides":

Conducted with a steady and consistently courteous voice, the...
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The Future of the Valley of the Fallen

November 30, 2011
The Future of the Valley of the Fallen

Several months ago, President Zapatero appointed a committee of experts to put together a report with recommendations on the future of the Valle de los Caídos, the pharaonic monument and burial place of José Antonio Primo de Rivera (founder of Spain’s fascist party, Falange) and the Generalísimo himself, Francisco Franco.  The committee issued its...
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In the Archive: American Scientists’ Gift to Republic

November 12, 2011
In the Archive: American Scientists’ Gift to Republic

From News of Spain, November 9, 1938 New Pellagra Cure to Madrid Thirty-nine of America’s leading scientists, incuding three Nobel Laureates and thirteen members of the National Academy of Sciences, joined last week in sending to pellagra victims in Madrid a special gift of twenty-five pounds of nicotinic acid, the newly discovered cure for...
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Nadie es profeta en su tierra: A propósito del legado de Garzón

November 6, 2011
Nadie es profeta en su tierra: A propósito del legado de Garzón

(English text.) Durante las últimas dos semanas del mes de octubre, han estado muy a la vista las amplias y profundas contribuciones del Juez español Baltasar Garzón a la promoción de la justicia y de los derechos humanos. Aunque los titulares y los “sound-bytes” que nos llegan de lugares tan alejados como...
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Ziff’s “Mexican Suitcase” opens in NYC and Spain this weekend

November 2, 2011
Ziff’s “Mexican Suitcase” opens in NYC and Spain this weekend

On Friday, the same day the film opens at movie theaters in Spain, Trisha Ziff's gripping documentary The Mexican Suitcase is being screened at ALBA's Human Rights Film Festival (Museum of the City of New York, tickets here, trailer here). See here for coverage in the Spanish press today. The Suitcase...
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More photos

October 24, 2011
More photos

A beautiful slideshow of this weekend's events can be found here.
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Remarks at Inauguration of the IB Monument, Ana Pérez

October 24, 2011
Remarks at Inauguration of the IB Monument, Ana Pérez

Translation of remarks made by the President of the Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI), Ana Pérez, at the inauguration of the monument to the International Brigades at Ciudad Universitaria, Madrid, Spain.  October 22, 2011. A monument to the International Brigades is, above all, a monument to international solidarity.  And in this...
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Review of Cold War Exiles in Mexico: US Dissidents and the Culture of Resistance

October 12, 2011

(Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2008) Review published in American Studies, Vol 50, Nos 3/4, Fall/Winter, 2009. This is an impressive piece of scholarship, which combines admirable bibliographic and archival research with clear, engaging prose.  Throughout the book’s five main chapters, Schreiber painstakingly reconstructs the biographical and artistic trajectories of a talented and diverse...
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