
Cecil Eby reviewed

March 18, 2010
Cecil Eby reviewed

I receive a steady flow of requests for a copy of my review of Cecil D. Eby's book Comrades and Commissars: The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War. I thought readers of this blog might want to see it. Click here to read it in pdf.
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Books in Brief

March 6, 2010

La Batalla Del Jarama, by Jesús González de Miguel, and Los Internacionales: English Speaking Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, edited by Antonio R. Celada, Manuel González de la Aleja, and Daniel Pastor García.
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Max Aub’s Civil War in English

March 6, 2010
Max Aub’s Civil War in English

Max Aub was a novelist and playwright of remarkable originality who spent his live chronicling the conflict that had torn his country apart and catapulted him into exile. Almost forty years after his death, Verso has published Field of Honour, the first of Aub's 6-volume Civil War cycle.
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Flamenco Program Honors the Vets

March 6, 2010
Flamenco Program Honors the Vets

The Madrid-based Flamenco group Noche Flamenca celebrated its 16th season in New York with a a riveting, emotional tribute to the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. “ALBA” begins with a passionate lament expressed by two guitars and two male voices, Manuel Gago (tenor) and Miguel Rosendo (baritone). The dancers enter the low-lit stage led by...
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