
British allies: Keeping history alive

June 20, 2013
British allies: Keeping history alive

There were mixed feelings at the end of last year among those of us dedicated to preserving the memory of the 2,500 International Brigade volunteers from Britain and Ireland. On the one hand we celebrated the fact that the International Brigade Memorial Trust now has over 900 paying members. This is a record figure,...
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ALBA Institute New Jersey teachers on track

June 20, 2013
<em>ALBA Institute</em> New Jersey teachers on track

Hurricane Sandy swamped the schools of Bergen County, New Jersey last November, forcing postponement of ALBA’s teaching institute, but the spring term brought an exciting revival as 22 Spanish language and social studies high school educators attended a lively one-day session at the Bergen County Academies, organized by administrator Tim Casperson, in Hackensack.
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Stone and Ratner speak of courage and activism

June 20, 2013
Stone and Ratner speak of courage and activism

Michael Ratner, President Emeritus of the Center for Constitutional Rights, and filmmaker Oliver Stone spoke at ALBA’s event in New York, highlighting the connection between the courage of the Lincoln Brigade’s internationalist activism and the courage of the activists of United We Dream. See videos of their speeches. Kate Doyle, senior analyst at the National...
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ALBA roundtable on immigration reform: What can be done

June 15, 2013
ALBA roundtable on immigration reform: What can be done

Courage and fear, hope and despair: those were the recurring emotions expressed by five panelists who spoke about immigration reform at a round-table discussion organized by ALBA in New York on May 5. Speaking from the trenches, they confirmed that much has been achieved. And although the road ahead is long and complicated, every...
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The Greatest Generation, then and now

June 15, 2013
The Greatest Generation, then and now

Filmmaker Oliver Stone offered a moving encomium to the volunteers of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in his keynote speech at the 77th annual reunion held at Pace University in New York on May 5, where United We Dream received the annual ALBA / Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism (video | pictures).
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Chinese volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

May 23, 2013
Chinese volunteers in the Spanish Civil War

Los brigadistas chinos en la Guerra Civil: La llamada de España (1936-1939), by Hwei-Ru Tsou and Len Tsou, was published this month by Los Libros de la Catarata in Madrid, Spain. This new book is a Spanish edition of the original Chinese book, The Call of Spain: The Chinese Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) which was...
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ALB scholarship at Wayne State recognizes peace & justice

March 15, 2013
ALB scholarship at Wayne State recognizes peace & justice

In 2013, the Wayne State University Abraham Lincoln Brigade Veterans Scholarship Committee will celebrate its 30th anniversary awarding scholarships to deserving students. It has been a long road that began during the Spanish Civil War when nearly 100 Michiganders joined the International Brigades. Four were Wayne State University students who put their studies aside...
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Immigration, Internationalism & Social Justice: Join ALBA on May 5 in NYC

March 15, 2013
Immigration, Internationalism & Social Justice: Join ALBA on May 5 in NYC

Harry Belafonte, Pete Seeger, and Oliver Stone join ALBA in inviting you to a celebration of the third ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, featuring United We Dream and music by Barbez and Bernardo Palombo. (Tickets | Invitation | Press Release English / Spanish)
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Undocumented and Unafraid: DREAMers tapped for Human Rights Award

March 15, 2013
Undocumented and Unafraid: DREAMers tapped for Human Rights Award

United We Dream, the national network of youth-led immigrant activist organizations that fight for the rights of millions of undocumented immigrants in the United States, has been selected as winner of the 2013 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. The United We Dream Network (UWD) will receive the award at ALBA’s annual event...
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New York remembers Guernica

January 4, 2013
New York remembers Guernica

For forty-some years, until 1981, New York City was home to Picasso’s Guernica—painted in response to the destruction of the Basque city by the German Luftwaffe in April 1937. This past October, Guernica returned to New York symbolically as the city commemorated the 75th anniversary of the bombing with a program of events organized...
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