
Equal Justice lawyer Bryan Stevenson wins 2014 ALBA/Puffin Award

March 21, 2014
Equal Justice lawyer Bryan Stevenson wins 2014 ALBA/Puffin Award

Bryan Stevenson, the founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, will accept the fourth ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism award at ALBA’s annual event in New York on April 27.
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Belfast remembers N-Irish volunteers and ALBer

March 10, 2014
Belfast remembers N-Irish volunteers and ALBer

On February 1, 2014 I had the honor of bringing fraternal greetings from ALBA to the International Brigades Commemoration Committee, where an overflow crowd met to honor these men from Belfast who joined common cause in the earliest battlefields in the war against fascism in Spain. The International Brigades Commemoration Committee exists to...
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Pau Casals: An artist who told the world the truth

March 5, 2014
Pau Casals: An artist who told the world the truth

The visitor enters a small passageway leading to the 17 room Pablo Casals Museum in Vendrell, Spain, at once immersed in cello music and a voiceover narration from the diary of a young Casals. The music surrounds a display of some of the first instruments belonging to the artist.  This multisensory approach to the...
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Kent State publishes Carl Geiser letters from Spain

December 19, 2013
By and
Kent State publishes Carl Geiser letters from Spain

Carl Geiser, political commissar of the Lincoln Battalion, prisoner of war held in Spain until 1939, and author of Prisoners of the Good Fight, left the letters he wrote to his family to the ALBA collection. The complete letters, edited by Peter N. Carroll and Fraser Ottanelli, have just published by Kent State University...
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Watt Prize winners write on Jewish volunteers and religion in Spain

December 19, 2013
Watt Prize winners write on Jewish volunteers and religion in Spain

Jewish volunteers from Palestine and the central role of the Virgen del Pilar in the rise of Spanish National-Catholicism are the topics of this year’s award-winning essays.
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ALBA launches new website with standard-aligned teaching resources

December 19, 2013
ALBA launches new website with standard-aligned teaching resources

ALBA is proud to announce a new website for high school teachers in Social Studies, Spanish, and English Language Arts, featuring resources and lesson plans aligned with the Common Core State Standards.
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ALBA film series impugns impunity

December 19, 2013
ALBA film series impugns impunity

ALBA’s third human rights film series, held at Pace University this past November, featured eight compelling documentaries. Richard Rowley’s Dirty Wars (2013) lays bare the dirty little secret of America’s War on Terror with the help of investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill; Tatiana Huezo’s The Tiniest Place (2012) tells the story of Cinquera, a village literally wiped off the official...
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Bay Area honors Vets and Dreamers

December 19, 2013
Bay Area honors Vets and Dreamers

“Singing was an important part of our life in Spain,” wrote Lincoln Brigade volunteer Carl Geiser. And music was a strong theme at the West Coast ALBA annual reunion held at the Freight & Salvage music hall in Berkeley, California on October 6.
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ALBA Institute inspires record number of New York teachers

December 19, 2013
ALBA Institute inspires record number of New York teachers

An unprecedented 71 New York high school teachers—who collectively teach more than 7,000 students every day—gathered at the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center on November 5 for a full-day workshop. The ALBA institute, taught by Peter Carroll, James Fernández, and Sebastiaan Faber, introduced teachers of Social Studies, Spanish, and English Language Arts...
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Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia revisited

September 15, 2013
Orwell’s <em>Homage to Catalonia</em> revisited

‘Homage to Catalonia’ Praised for literary merit but criticised for narrow focus at Len Crome Memorial Lecture
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