
Argentine Judge Orders ALBA-Funded Exhumation in Spain

March 13, 2016
Argentine Judge Orders ALBA-Funded Exhumation in Spain

This January 19th, exhumation procedures began to recover the remains of Timoteo Mendieta, murdered by the Franco regime in 1939. In 2013, his daughter Ascensión testified before María Servini, the Argentine judge who has investigated Franco’s crimes against humanity since 2010. On Servini’s orders, the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory took charge of the exhumation, helped...
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Fearless Journalists Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill Win Human Rights Award

March 13, 2016
Fearless Journalists Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill Win Human Rights Award

The 2016 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism will be shared by journalists Lydia Cacho and Jeremy Scahill, who have dedicated their careers to exposing corruption, violence and abuse of power. Award ceremony: NYC, Saturday, May 7 (tickets)
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The Press Remembers Delmer Berg, the Last of the Lincolns

March 7, 2016
The Press Remembers Delmer Berg, the Last of the Lincolns

Delmer Berg, last known surviving member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, passed away at his California home. There has been an outpouring of coverage from news outlets around the world.
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ALBA as your Legacy: The Jarama Society

December 8, 2015
ALBA as your Legacy: The Jarama Society

What you leave to friends and loved one--and the causes you champion--are ways of expressing your hopes and dreams for the future and perpetuate your part in the story of the Lincoln Brigade. As you make your plans, please consider including ALBA in your will or living trust, or naming us as a...
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Stretch Your Gift with a Monthly Pledge

December 8, 2015
Stretch Your Gift with a Monthly Pledge

Ensure more of your money goes to our mission by lowering costs and supporting our cause without a big one-time hit to your wallet.
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Mexicans Divided over Support of Republican Spain

December 8, 2015
Mexicans Divided over Support of Republican Spain

Mexico was one of the very few countries to stand by the Second Spanish Republic as it was attacked by fascism—but in practice, not all Mexicans agreed with their government’s position during the Spanish Civil War.
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Soviet Show Trial in the Spanish Civil War

December 8, 2015
Soviet Show Trial in the Spanish Civil War

The trial of the POUM in October 1938 is often seen as a Spanish version of the Soviet “show trial.” But it makes more sense to examine it as an attempt by the Republican government to build stable judicial institutions.
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ALBA’s Essay Contest Rewards Exciting New Research

December 8, 2015
ALBA’s Essay Contest Rewards Exciting New Research

The George Watt Prize for the best student essays received submissions from across the globe, the various entrants writing on topics of history, literature, politics, and culture of the Spanish Civil War, or the global political and cultural struggles against fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, or the contributions of the Americans who fought...
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Not all Heroes Wear Capes: Letter from ALBA

December 8, 2015
By and
Not all Heroes Wear Capes: Letter from ALBA

We have just returned from the Bay Area, where we joined close to 200 Lincoln family members, friends and supporters at our Annual Celebration honoring the Lincoln Brigade in Berkeley. We gathered for an afternoon of songs and to hear California writer and documentary photographer David Bacon, who described how his encounters with...
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Bay Area Reunion Honors Activist Heritage

December 8, 2015
Bay Area Reunion Honors Activist Heritage

“We have to reclaim our history, not discard or forget it,” labor organizer David Bacon advised an enthusiastic crowd honoring the legacy of the Lincoln Brigade at the 79th Bay Area reunion event in Berkeley, California on November 8. His talk, together with tributes to Emilio Silva, this year’s winner of the ALBA/Puffin...
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