
Argentine general sentenced again

March 14, 2013
Argentine general sentenced again

From the BBC (see video here):

A court in Buenos Aires has sentenced the former military ruler Reynaldo Bignone to life in jail for crimes against humanity committed when he was in power in the 1980s. The 85-year-old former general is already serving three other jail sentences for similar crimes. Mr...
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Host Workers or Guest Workers?

March 12, 2013
Host Workers or Guest Workers?

A couple of weeks ago, Luis Argeo and I inaugurated a Facebook page that we hope will serve as a kind of dynamic storefront for a more staid and long-term scholarly and documentary project aimed at chronicling the history of Spanish immigration to the United States. This past Sunday, I posted on that FB...
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75 years since the Great Retreats from Belchite

March 12, 2013
75 years since the Great Retreats from Belchite

Alan Warren writes from Spain: This week marks the 75th anniversary of the start of the Great Retreats. To remember the men who were killed in this Retreat I have posted to a piece of research on the unpublished autobiography of Fausto Vilar Esteban. His memoirs, as yet unpublished, are a wonderful source of...
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Superb yet partial: Homage to Catalonia revisited

March 11, 2013
Superb yet partial: <em>Homage to Catalonia</em> revisited

Nearly 200 people attended “George Orwell: Homage to Catalonia, 75 Years On,” a conference held this past March 2 by the International Brigade Memorial Trust in Manchester, UK. Among the audience were George Orwell’s adopted son Richard Blair and Quentin Kopp, son of Georges Kopp, Orwell’s commanding officer in Spain. The speakers included Richard...
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Across the Pyrenees

March 10, 2013

“Across the Pyrenees” is a presentation of the Walk Across the Pyrenees organized by British friends of the International Brigades. It follows the path of the volunteers as they stole into Republican Spain in the dead of night. Their goal was to defeat fascism in Spain before it spread into Europe. Three people from...
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Peter Carroll gives Susman Lecture

March 8, 2013
Peter Carroll gives Susman Lecture

Historian and ALBA emeritus chair Peter N. Carroll will be delivering the 2013 Bill Susman Lecture, “From Guernica to Human Rights,” next March 28 in New York City, at 6:00pm, at the Instituto Cervantes (211 E 49th Street, New York, NY 10017). Admission is free. In his lecture, Peter N. Carroll will explore changing...
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Operation Condor on trial in Argentina

March 8, 2013
Operation Condor on trial in Argentina

Democracy Now covers the historic trial targeting the infamous Operación Cóndor, through which right-wing Latin American dictatorships coordinate the repression of dissent.
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Madrid Ateneo honors the Lincoln Brigade

March 8, 2013
Madrid Ateneo honors the Lincoln Brigade

This past February I received a call from the Ateneo in Madrid—a long-standing cultural institution—asking for a brief presentation about some aspect of the Second Republic for the weekly Monday gathering of a group of Republicans, many of whom lived the years of the Civil War and postwar personally. The five years of the...
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Combing the Present

March 6, 2013
Combing the Present

Emilio Silva Faba was born in the town of Pereje (León) in 1892. In 1915 he emigrated to Argentina, where he lived in Ezpeleta, in the province of Buenos Aires. There he worked in a soda factory. Five years later he re-emigrated to the United States. He came through Ellis Island on August 28...
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Marjorie Cohn: Manning’s courage

March 2, 2013
Marjorie Cohn: Manning’s courage

Marjorie Cohn, who teaches at Thomas Jefferson School of Law and gave ALBA's 2011 Susman lecture, underscores the "uncommon courage" of Bradley Manning in a column on Portside.
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