
Green light for Spanish Guantánamo torture case

February 26, 2011
Green light for Spanish Guantánamo torture case

Spain's national criminal court, the Audiencia Nacional, has decided that the case for alleged torture perpetrated at the Guantánamo prison can go ahead. Judge Baltasar Garzón opened it in 2009, despite the resistance of the Attorney General and--as the WikiLeaks cables revealed--strong pressure from the US government and Congress. The case is conducted by...
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Hank Rubin (1916 – 2011)

February 24, 2011
Hank Rubin (1916 – 2011)

Marci Rubin, daughter of Lincoln Veteran Henry Mortimer “Hank” Rubin reports that her father passed away this morning in San Francisco.
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ALBA: A Laboratory of Experiments in Moral Courage

February 20, 2011
ALBA:  A Laboratory of Experiments in Moral Courage

The thousands of documents, images and artifacts that make up the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives can mean different things to different people. To the veterans and their immediate friends and family, the Archives are, among other things, a repository of the personal papers and effects of loved ones, a kind of extended and collective...
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Supreme court rejects annulment of Miguel Hernández sentence

February 16, 2011
Supreme court rejects annulment of Miguel Hernández sentence

Spain's Supreme Court, El País reports, has rejected a request for annulment from the family of one of Spain's most renowned 20th-century poets, Miguel Hernández, who died in a Francoist prison in 1942, at age 31, after having been convicted of "aiding the rebellion"'--the perverse phrase with which Franco's Law of Political Responsibilities designated...
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Preston wins Catalan history prize

February 15, 2011
Preston wins Catalan history prize

Paul Preston's forthcoming book The Spanish Holocaust, an exhaustive study of violence and repression during and after the Spanish Civil War, has just been awarded the prestigious Premio de Historia de Catalunya Santiago Sobrequés i Vidal, Público reports. The book will go on sale in Spain this coming April; the English edition will...
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Post-SCW drama scores Goya awards

February 15, 2011
Post-SCW drama scores Goya awards

Agustí Villaronga's Pa negre (Black Bread) came out as clear winner in this week's Goya award ceremony (the Spanish equivalent of the Oscars). The Catalan film is part of the line-up of the Portland International Film Festival this month. The Hollywood Reporter writes:

Agusti Villaronga's Black Bread won...
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Dundee SCW volunteers remembered

February 15, 2011

The Courier reports:

Dundee volunteers who travelled to Spain over 70 years ago to fight fascism were commemorated on Saturday. The annual remembrance, organised by the Trades Union Council, was held at the memorial to the International Brigade in Albert Square. Taking part in the event along with union members were relatives...
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Call on Spanish Courts to subpoena former Guantánamo commander

February 15, 2011
Call on Spanish Courts to subpoena former Guantánamo commander

The European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, together with the US-based Center for Constitutional Rights, has filed two submissions with the successor of Baltasar Garzón at Spain's Audiencia Nacional, who is investigating the accountability of US officials responsible for torture at Guantánamo Bay and other detention sites:

The first...
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Garzón, Pinochet, and G.W. Bush

February 14, 2011
Garzón, Pinochet, and G.W. Bush

Why did George W. Bush not go to Switzerland last week? Xavier Rauscher at International Jurist has the answer: He did not want to end up like Augusto Pinochet. As Geoff Pingree and I wrote in The Nation last May, the pioneering efforts of the Spanish judge "have ensured, for example, that Donald Rumsfeld...
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Wikileaks avant la wiki (3): Department of State press release, Mar. 4, 1946.

February 13, 2011
Wikileaks avant la wiki (3): Department of State press release, Mar. 4, 1946.

Opening statement from the US Department of State, from the publication “The Spanish Government and the Axis,” a collection of the wartime correspondence between Franco, Hitler and Mussolini which was discovered in Germany in 1945: THE GOVERNMENTS of France, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America have exchanged views with regard to...
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