Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Scots in Spain

October 23, 2010

The Edinburgh Anarchists have been kind enough to post a review essay on Scots volunteers in Spain, published last year by Stuart Christie (of Christie Books, which this blog has featured before) in the Scottish Review of Books:

A new and fascinating contribution to Scotland’s role in...
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Gail Dolgin, “Forever Activists” producer (1945-2010)

October 23, 2010
Gail Dolgin, “Forever Activists” producer (1945-2010)

Gail Dolgin, the associate producer of the Oscar-nominated documentary Forever Activists: Stories of Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, directed by ALBA board member Judy Montell, has died, the Oakland Tribune reports:

Dolgin was a longtime board member of the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival, a proposal reviewer for...
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IB commemorative plaque in Liverpool

October 23, 2010
IB commemorative plaque in Liverpool

The BBC reports:

A plaque with the names of those from Merseyside who lost their lives fighting in the Spanish Civil War has found a permanent home in Liverpool. The memorial, with the names of 27 local people, has been unveiled at the Unite building in Islington. The city's office block has...
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Fascism alive and well in Spain

October 23, 2010
Fascism alive and well in Spain

Alberto Bullrich, in the Comment Factory, writes that Spanish fascism is alive and well:

Falange Española de las J.O.N.S. ... is the euphemism used before, during and after the Spanish Civil war for the blueshirt Fascist party of Spain. It still exists as a group, organization or political ‘party’, whichever...
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Two ALBA board members on Spanish radio

October 23, 2010
Two ALBA board members on Spanish radio

James D. Fernández was interviewed on Spanish national radio about his exhibit on Spanish immigrants in New York, which has already attracted a lot of media attention. (October 13; listen here.) Sebastiaan Faber was interviewed on Radio Círculo Bellas Artes (Madrid) about Spanish historians' role in the debates about historical memory. (October 18;...
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Fascist Party removed from Garzón case

October 23, 2010

After a six-month delay, the Spanish Supreme Court has finally removed Falange Española--Spain's fascist party--from the case in which Garzón is being charged with overstepping his judicial boundaries when he initiated an investigation of crimes against humanity committed during the Civil War and under the Franco regime. The fascists were one of the two...
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El País questions Garzón wiretap case

October 23, 2010
El País questions Garzón wiretap case

In an editorial today, El País calls attention to the "strange paralysis" that seems to have befallen the third of the cases brought against Judge Baltasar Garzón: a charge of illegal wiretapping in his investigation of corruption in the Valencian branch of the opposition party, the Partido Popular. El País questions...
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1,821 mass graves to go

October 23, 2010
1,821 mass graves to go

Ten years after founding the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH), Emilio Silva estimates that there are still more than 1,800 mass graves to exhume in Spain, El País reports. The Spanish government will soon publish an online map detailing their exact locations. Since 2006, a year before the approval of...
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October 23, 2010

On Saturday, October 16th, Pete Seeger, Patti Smith, and Guy Davis performed at an unforgettable fundraising event for ALBA, "Songs for the Cause: Music, Education, and Activism," sponsored by the Puffin Foundation and hosted at the Museum of the City of New York (MCNY). (See photos by Alan Entin here.)...
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Amnesty: Spain losing ground in fight against impunity

October 16, 2010
Amnesty: Spain losing ground in fight against impunity

In a press release coinciding with the twelfth anniversary of Judge Garzón's request for detention of Augusto Pinochet (1998) and the second anniversary of his brief (auto) opening an investigation into Francoist crimes against humanity, the Spanish section of Amnesty International has decried Spain's increasingly lackluster record in the fight against impunity,...
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