Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

New American SCW novel

December 16, 2010
New American SCW novel

Jeffrey R. Ryan, a history teacher from Massachusetts, has just published A Volcano Heard Afar (Dorrance Publishing Co.), a novel whose protagonist is a US volunteer in Spain who, upon his return, becomes a victim of McCarthyism.
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Leading HR groups urge Spanish torture investigation

December 16, 2010

The Center for Constitutional Rights reports:

two leading human rights groups filed papers urging a Spanish judge to open a criminal investigation into the role of former Bush administration officials, including torture memo authors John Yoo and Jay Bybee, for their part in creating a legal framework...
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Vincent Warren on the WikiLeaks-Spain connection

December 13, 2010

"Obama decided long ago to turn the page on the abuses and illegalities of the Bush administration," the Executive Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights states in a Huffington Post column on the revelations about US pressure on Spain's judiciary in relation to torture investigations;

The U.S. was particularly...
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Franco’s residence closed to visitors

December 13, 2010

The Telegraph reports:

The Palace of El Pardo, an old royal residence set in hunting grounds on the northeastern outskirts of Madrid, served as el Caudillo's home following his victory in the Spanish Civil War until his death in 1975. But guided tours around the palace will no longer include...
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Garzón honored in Argentina

December 13, 2010
Garzón honored in Argentina

At a massive celebration of the International Human Rights Day, with performances by Sting and others, Baltasar Garzón received the Azucena Villaflor award--named after one of the founders of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo--from Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner. See BBC coverage here, and footage here and here.
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Lee Kutnick (1914-2010)

December 13, 2010

Lee Kutnick, former secretary of the Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, passed away two weeks ago. From an obituary in the San Francisco Chronicle:

Lee worked tirelessly as a community and union organizer, devoting her life to making the world a better place for working people. She was Secretary...
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IB Park at Benissa inaugurated

December 13, 2010

Robert Llopis reports on the inauguration of the  "Parc Dels Internacionals," dedicated to the International Brigades, at Benissa this past October 30th as part of the Homage to the IB, in the presence of a representative of the City of Benissa, Irene Filip from the Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (Archive of the Austrian Resistance,...
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Josef Eisenbauer (1917-2010)

December 11, 2010
Josef Eisenbauer (1917-2010)

Gert Hoffman writes with sad news: This is to announce that Josef "Joschi" Eisenbauer, one of the three surviving Austrian brigadistas died on December 10.  He was one of the more than 1400 Austrians who had gone to defend the Spanish Republic. He went to Spain in 1937, was a member of the XIIIth and XIth International Brigades, was wounded and taken to...
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More on Spain & WikiLeaks

December 9, 2010

Andy Worthington at The Public Record provides an extensive overview of the revelations of US pressure on Spain to curb torture investigations:

The cable reveals how US officials immediately began sounding out Spanish officials, and how, on April 15, an apparently unlikely figure for the Obama administration to embrace — Sen. Mel...
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El País: US eyes on Garzón

December 7, 2010

In the English-language edition of El País this past Sunday, an overview by Carlos E. Cué of the WikiLeaks revelations in relation to Baltasar Garzón and the US attempts to influence the Spanish judiciary:

The American Embassy in Madrid has been keeping a close eye on the High Court, and...
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