Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Roland Joffé film deals with SCW

May 9, 2011
Roland Joffé film deals with SCW

The new film by Roland Joffé (The Killing Fields, The Mission) tells the story of Josémaría Escrivá, the founder of the militant secular order Opus Dei, whose members formed the institutional backbone of the Franco regime, is attracting a lot of media attention. This past week it has been reviewed--not very enthusiastically--in the Read more »

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New IBMT newsletter

May 9, 2011
New IBMT newsletter

Our friends at the International Brigades Memorial Trust in the UK send along their latest newsletter featuring, among other things: news on the IB musical, "Goodbye Barcelona"; some interesting insights on Harry Potter & the Spanish Civil War; a review of Paul Preston's The Spanish Holocaust; a profile of Janet Vaughan, who...
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Gert Hoffmann: Looking back

May 7, 2011
Gert Hoffmann: Looking back

Gert Hoffmann, the Austrian International Brigader, will be turning 94 soon. He sends us the following note :

Reflecting on the anniversary of the end of the Second World War, I recall the hopes we had in that moment of great relief, of peace finally regained. But I wonder--I have wondered for decades--whether...
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BBC on Guernica bombing

May 7, 2011
BBC on Guernica bombing

The BBC commemorated the 74th anniversary of the bombing of Guernica last week with a radio program. Listen to the podcast here.

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Garzón may have role in Ecuador judiciary reform

May 6, 2011

The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, has announced that judge Baltasar Garzón--currently suspended from his post in Spain and working as special advisor to the International Criminal Court--may play an observer's role in the reform of the Ecuadorian judiciary, the Americas Society reports. Garzón visited the country last week. Ecuador is getting ready...
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New book on Hemingway in Spain

May 6, 2011
New book on Hemingway in Spain

The University of Iowa Press has just published Hemingway's Second War: Bearing Witness to the Spanish Civil War by Alex Vernon:

In 1937 and 1938, Ernest Hemingway made four trips to Spain to cover its civil war for the North American News Alliance wire service and to help create the pro-Republican documentary...
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Spanish government releases map of Civil War with mass graves

May 5, 2011

Today the Spanish government released an online, interactive national map detailing the location of Civil War events as well as thousands of mass graves that have been identified over the past dozen years, thanks in large part to the efforts of grassroots organizations such as the Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria...
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Coixet documentary available online

May 4, 2011

Manuel Rivas's interview with Garzón, filmed by Isabel Coixet last fall and screened at the Berlin Film Festival earlier this year, is now available for viewing online at for a modest fee (90 min., Spanish, 2.95 euros). See it here.
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Catalan documentary about Garzón

May 4, 2011
Catalan documentary about Garzón

"I have no lack of memory, and many Socialists like me have no lack of memory, either. We know what dirty tricks this gentleman has played on us. And we are not going to forgive him." ("Yo no carezco de memoria y muchos socialistas como yo no carecemos de memoria. Y sabemos las putadas...
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Kailin’s family interviewed

May 4, 2011

Dogstar7 has uploaded a video with an interview of the family of Clarence Kailin, veteran of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, on the 125th Anniversary of Haymarket. See the video here:
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