Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Book Review: War on the diplomatic front

December 4, 2011
Book Review: War on the diplomatic front

Al servicio de la República. Diplomáticos y guerra civil. Edited by Ángel Viñas. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2010. Diplomats are funny creatures. On the one hand, they embody an anachronistic kind of superficiality—all form, protocol, and etiquette. On the other, they are influential actors behind the scenes, no less devious or powerful than spies and...
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Luis Buñuel, chameleon: Revelations from the “Red Decade”

December 4, 2011
Luis Buñuel, chameleon: Revelations from the “Red Decade”

Luis Buñuel: The Red Years, 1929-1939, due to be published next month with the University of Wisconsin Press (excerpt, order), reveals scores of unknown facts about the life and work of Luis Buñuel during a crucial decade not only in the filmmaker’s life but in the history of film and photography—as well...
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Spain asks for extradition of El Salvador military

December 3, 2011

Elizabeth Malkin reports in the NY Times:

The Spanish government asked the United States and El Salvador Friday to extradite 15 former Salvadoran military officers in the 1989 murders of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her teenage daughter. The arrest warrants were issued in...
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Garzón to stand trial twice in late January

December 1, 2011
Garzón to stand trial twice in late January

Judge Baltasar Garzón, recipient of the first ALBA/Puffin Human Rights Award earlier this year, will stand trial on January 17 and 24 for two of the three cases pending against him at Spain's Supreme Court. In both, the principal charge is prevarication, that is, knowingly overstepping judicial boundaries. The January 24 stems from...
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“Goodbye Barcelona” musical opens, featured on TV

November 28, 2011
“Goodbye Barcelona” musical opens, featured on TV

The opening of the Goodbye Barcelona musical about the International Brigades at the Arcola Theatre, London, including an interview with IB veteran David Lomon, was reported on RTVE Spanish national TV on Saturday 26 November (watch video here, at 33:15 minutes), and on Catalonia’s TV3 on Sunday 27 November (watch here).

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Argentine judge is asked to interview Franco’s victims

November 27, 2011

The plaintiffs in the case against Franco's repression that is being handled by the Argentine courts (see previous Volunteer coverage here) have requested that the judge, María Servini de Cubría, travel to Spain to interview victims of Franco's repression, allowing them to testify. The plaintiffs have also presented a response to the report issued...
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This Wednesday: Centelles symposium

November 27, 2011
This Wednesday: Centelles symposium

This coming Wednesday November 30th, at 6pm ALBA is co-sponsoring a symposium on the Spanish Civil War Photographs of Agustí Centelles at the King Juan Carlos I Center in New York City (53 Washington Sq S), where the exhibit Centelles in_edit_oh! is up for another couple of weeks.  With the participation of...
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First exhumation in post-election Spain

November 22, 2011
First exhumation in post-election Spain

A day after the landslide conservative victory in Spain’s general elections on Sunday, the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH) has announced the discovery of the remains of Nicomedes Fernández, miner from the town of Nerva (Huelva) who was killed in February 1938 at age 34. The new government of Mariano Rajoy,...
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FFALB in Barcelona

November 18, 2011
FFALB in Barcelona

Felipe Blasco sends us a detailed report on the IB tribute in Barcelona, with some nice pictures of the Friends and Family of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Read the report (in Spanish) here.
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Italian video of 75th anniversary events

November 14, 2011

The Associazione Italiana Combattenti Volontari Antifascisti di Spagna (AICVAS) has posted a video report of the events surrounding the 75th anniversary of the founding of the International Brigades. Watch it here.
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