Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

“Mexican Suitcase” exhibit makes it to Mexico

September 27, 2013
“Mexican Suitcase” exhibit makes it to Mexico

The Mexican Suitcase: The Rediscovered Spanish Civil War Negatives by Capa, Chim, and Taro, the exhibit curated by Cynthia Young of the International Center for Photography, has finally made it back to Mexico City, from where the negatives were recovered several years ago. The show will open at the Antiguo Colegio San Ildefonso on October...
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Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff calls US spying violation of human rights and international law

September 24, 2013
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff calls US spying violation of human rights and international law

“What we have before us, Mr. President, is a serious case of violation of human rights and civil liberties, a case of invasion and capture of confidential secret information pertaining to business activities, and above all, a case of disrespect to the national sovereignty of my country.” Dilma Rousseff did not hold back in...
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Argentine judge issues arrest warrants for 4 Francoist officials

September 22, 2013
Argentine judge issues arrest warrants for 4 Francoist officials

On September 18, the Argentine judge María Servini de Cubría requested the extradition of four Franco-era officials accused of torture. The order is the first arrest warrant issued for those suspected of committing crimes against humanity during Spain’s forty-year dictatorship since the country passed an amnesty law in 1977. The four accused are Jesús Muñecas...
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UN Working Group on Disappearances in Spain this week

September 22, 2013
UN Working Group on Disappearances in Spain this week

“The United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances will visit Spain from 23 to 30 September 2013,” according to a press release from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: During the official visit, the UN experts will examine the measures taken by Spain on issues related to the prevention and eradication...
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Truth Commission campaign releases new video

September 22, 2013
Truth Commission campaign releases new video

The Spanish Truth Commission Platform, a broad coalition of organizations that include the International Garzón Foundation and ALBA, has released a compelling new video to increase awareness about the lack of judicial support for the victims of Francoism.
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Carl Geiser letters published

September 19, 2013
Carl Geiser letters published

Now available for pre-orderLetters from the Spanish Civil War by Ohio volunteer Carl Geiser, introduced and edited by Peter N. Carroll and Fraser Ottanelli. From the publisher, Kent State University Press:

Letters from the Spanish Civil War provides a unique perspective into the motivations that led...
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Spanish concert for the International Brigades

September 16, 2013
Spanish concert for the International Brigades

Now online: highlights from a Concert for the International Brigades held in Logroño, Spain, on 30 April 2013. Co-sponsored by the International Brigade Memorial Trust, the concert featured the Spanish and British musicians who played at the IBMT's annual commemoration in London’s Jubilee Gardens in July 2012.
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Carlos Blanco Aguinaga (1926-2013)

September 16, 2013
Carlos Blanco Aguinaga (1926-2013)

We have just received news that Carlos Blanco Aguinaga passed away on September 11. Born in the Basque city of Irún in 1926, Carlos Blanco fled with his family across the French border in September 1936, when he was ten years old, and was later exiled to Mexico, along with twenty thousand other Spanish...
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ALBA needs your commitment

September 14, 2013
By and
ALBA needs your commitment

Milton Wolff, last commander of the Abraham Lincoln battalion, marveled that it took him more years to write his memoir of the Spanish Civil War (Another Hill) than it took him to fight in it. For a “little war” (both in duration and scope) that war has had immense consequences and attracted immeasurable interest.
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Video of IBMT commemoration online

August 23, 2013
Video of IBMT commemoration online

A 25-minute video by Marshall Mateer of the IBMT Annual Commemoration at the International Brigade memorial in Jubilee Gardens, London, on 6 July is now on the IBMTnews channel on YouTube.  This year is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Ebro, which was fought mainly in Catalonia, and a strong Catalan theme runs...
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