Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Next Wednesday: Goodbye Barcelona!

December 4, 2013
Next Wednesday: Goodbye Barcelona!

ALBA PROUDLY PRESENTS: A screening of the passionate musical Goodbye Barcelona In 1936, as fascism sweeps across Europe, one country reaches out in its hour of need…and tens of thousands of ordinary people make an extraordinary decision to help.  More than 42,000 travel to Spain from all over the world, risking their lives for the freedom of...
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ALBA Human Rights Film Festival: Impugning Impunity, Nov. 22-24

November 18, 2013
ALBA Human Rights Film Festival: Impugning Impunity, Nov. 22-24

This weekend! Impugning Impunity: A Human Rights Documentary Film Series with eight powerful and inspiring films exploring issues of governmental abuse, historical memory, civil rights an racial inequality.
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Ireland’s stolen children

November 9, 2013
Ireland’s stolen children

Our friend Manus O’Riordan sends along the following: PHILOMENA, SEAN ROSS ABBEY and ANNETTE v HILDEGARDE   Michael A. Hess had been Deputy Chief Counsel of the US Republican National Committee under President Reagan and had risen to Chief Counsel under President Bush Senior by the time of his death in 1995. So, what...
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IB anniversary events in Spain next weekend

November 4, 2013
IB anniversary events in Spain next weekend

Our compañeros at the Association of Friends of the International Brigades (AABI) write with an announcement: On Saturday November 9 AABI will perform the annual celebration in honor of the International Brigades to mark the 77th anniversary of his arrival in Madrid to assist in its defense. The main event will be the unveiling of a plaque to...
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New website dedicated to John Dos Passos

October 22, 2013
New website dedicated to John Dos Passos

The family of John Dos Passos, the American novelist and public intellectual who began visiting Spain in the 1920s and was deeply involved in the Spanish Civil War, has announced the launch of a new website dedicated to the author's legacy: A press release about the launch is here.
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ALBA’s Human Rights Film Festival: NYC, November 22-24

October 17, 2013
ALBA’s Human Rights Film Festival: NYC, November 22-24

ALBA is pleased to present Impugning Impunity: A Human Rights Documentary Film Series, which will be held from November 22-24, 2013 at Pace University in the Multipurpose Room, 3 Spruce Street New York, NY 10038 (press release here). Now in its third year, this annual film series activates a community-wide dialogue on human rights...
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NY Times cover Franco’s victims case in Argentina

October 2, 2013
NY Times cover Franco’s victims case in Argentina

Raphael Minder, writing for the New York Times, highlights the recent indictments of former Francoist officials by the Argentine judge who, invoking universal jurisdiction, has taken up the case brought by victims of the Franco regime:

When the Argentine judge in the case, María Romilda Servini de Cubría, issued arrest...
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Political posters from Chile on show at El Taller Latino

September 30, 2013
Political posters from Chile on show at El Taller Latino

The exhibit “Chile Vive”  featuring historical posters from Salvador Allende’s Popular Unity Government in Chile (1970-73) is on show at El Taller Latino (2710 Broadway, NYC) until November 2. (See here for a review in the Indypendent.) Curators are Andrea Arroyo and Carol Smith, who sends along the following: I had the great privilege...
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Spanish tribute to Sam Levinger

September 29, 2013
Spanish tribute to Sam Levinger

Juan Arana writes (for a version in Spanish, see below): Today, September 29, 2013, a group of friends and sympathizers of the International Brigades, brought together by Luis Granell, a writer and journalist from Zaragoza, gathered in  La Puebla de Híjar, Teruel (Spain) to pay tribute to Sam Levinger and all the other members...
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Did Hollywood aid Hitler?

September 27, 2013
Did Hollywood aid Hitler?

The New Yorker's David Denby has followed up his negative review of Ben Urwand's new book, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler--which claims that major Hollywood studies actively collaborated with Nazi Germany--with a detailed blog post pointing out additional errors and omissions:

Urwand leaves the impression, despite some perfunctory nods to the Hollywood Anti-Nazi...
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