Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

The Spaniards who helped liberate Paris

December 17, 2014
The Spaniards who helped liberate Paris

Graphic novelist Paco Roca worked with ALBA’s Bob Coale to chronicle the odyssey of “La Nueve,” the company of Spanish Republicans who fought the Nazis with General LeClerc.
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Mind-boggling lies: Preston on Carrillo

December 17, 2014
Mind-boggling lies: Preston on Carrillo

Preston’s revealing exposé of Carrillo’s ruthless rise to power within the Party—a career strewn with lies, crimes, and betrayals—destroyed the positive image that Carrillo had managed to build in the wake of the democratic Transition.
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Fighting the new fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s new political force

September 9, 2014
Fighting the new fascism: Juan Carlos Monedero on PODEMOS, Spain’s new political force

In Spain this past May, the usually dull and boring elections to the European Union’s Parliament produced a sudden shock to the political system. A new two-month-old party led by a 35-year-old, pony-tailed political scientist, appeared out of nowhere—but clearly from the Left—to sweep up a surprising 8 percent of the votes. The result...
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ALBA Festival features 13 human rights documentaries

September 6, 2014
ALBA Festival features 13 human rights documentaries

Over the course of three days, a selection of cutting-edge human rights documentaries will challenge, educate, and inspire audiences at IMPUGNING IMPUNITY: ALBA’s Human Rights Documentary Film Festival (program and trailers here). Now in its fourth year, and featuring films produced since 2013, this annual film festival brings human rights struggles to life through...
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Len Crome Memorial Conference on Guernica

August 24, 2014
Len Crome Memorial Conference on Guernica

  Annual IBMT Len Crome Memorial Conference Date: Saturday 7th March 2015 Guernica: the destruction of a town and the creation of a masterpiece Speakers: Gijs van Hensbergen, Nicholas Rankin, Helen Little and Manuel Moreno Date: Saturday 7th March 2015Time: 11 am – 5 pm (optional meal in the evening).Venue: The Manchester Conference Centre and Hotel, Sackville Street, M1 3BBCost:  Conference and...
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Who was responsible for the Spanish Civil War?

July 18, 2014
Who was responsible for the Spanish Civil War?

The Spanish historian Ángel Viñas, who was interviewed by the Volunteer last year, summarizes his research findings for the magazine Témpora in a concise new piece on the causes and responsibilities of the Spanish Civil War. Read it here (in Spanish). More on Prof. Viñas’s blog.
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Charlie Haden (1937-2014)

July 12, 2014
Charlie Haden (1937-2014)

One of the most memorable and original renditions of the Spanish Civil War songs that Pete Seeger made famous were recorded in the late 1960s by the Liberation Orchestra, under the brilliant direction of bassist and activist Charlie Haden. Haden passed away this week.
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London International Brigade memorial celebration: Slideshow

July 10, 2014
London International Brigade memorial celebration: Slideshow

  Our friends at the International Brigade Memorial Trust have made a slideshow with images of their annual commemoration at the IB monument in Jubilee Gardens, London, last weekend. Click on any image to begin: Photos by Andrew Wiard.
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Justice in Chile–and the United States

July 1, 2014
Justice in Chile–and the United States

Documentary filmmaker Pamela Yates writes on Facebook: Joyce Horman never gave up on the quest for justice. Seeking justice is justice, and finally the U.S. role in ordering the murder of two US citizens in 1973, Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi, is verified by the Chilean courts. The perps are mostly dead – but this...
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US had a role in murders of US citizens in Chile, 1973

July 1, 2014

“The United States military intelligence services played a pivotal role in setting up the murders of two American citizens in 1973, providing the Chilean military with the information that led to their deaths, a court here has ruled,” Pascale Bonnefoy writes in the New York Times today: The recent court decision found that an American naval...
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