Author Archive for Nancy Wallach

The Shelters of the Civil War

September 14, 2015
The Shelters of the Civil War

The first thing you see as you approach the Civil War Shelters Museum on Gisbert Street in Cartagena are the trees growing out of the mountainside. Their unusual network of thick, exposed roots pushing out of the ground suggests that these ancient trees might have been around since the Bronze Age, witnessing Hannibal as...
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The IBMT Tour of the Aragon Front: Browne, Cornford & Heinemann

March 8, 2015
The IBMT Tour of the Aragon Front: Browne, Cornford & Heinemann

Last October I joined the IBMT tour headed by Pauline Fraser and Charles Jepson, which took us along the trenches of Quito, the battle sites of Belchite, and included a visit to the new Battle of the Ebro Museum at Fayon.  In the spirit of the Brigades, we were truly an international group, comprised...
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Stained glass window to commemorate Belfast IBers

February 8, 2015

Good news from Ireland: The International Brigade Commemoration Committee is pleased to announce that in cooperation with the Belfast City Council a stained glass window will be unveiled later this year to the men from Belfast who went to join the International Brigades in Spain and to the men and women who supported Spanish...
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Ireland pays tribute to IBers

September 27, 2014
Ireland pays tribute to IBers

The voices of British Battalion’s Charlie Donnelly, Bob Doyle, John Cornford, Jim Haughey and Dolores Ibárruri (La Pasionaria) were heard again at the Shankill Road Library in Belfast this August.  Moving readings of their poetry and memoirs were delivered by Marlene Sideway, IBMT President and actor, Dr. Sinead Morrissey, Belfast’s first poet Laureate, and...
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Belfast remembers N-Irish volunteers and ALBer

March 10, 2014
Belfast remembers N-Irish volunteers and ALBer

On February 1, 2014 I had the honor of bringing fraternal greetings from ALBA to the International Brigades Commemoration Committee, where an overflow crowd met to honor these men from Belfast who joined common cause in the earliest battlefields in the war against fascism in Spain. The International Brigades Commemoration Committee exists to...
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Pau Casals: An artist who told the world the truth

March 5, 2014
Pau Casals: An artist who told the world the truth

The visitor enters a small passageway leading to the 17 room Pablo Casals Museum in Vendrell, Spain, at once immersed in cello music and a voiceover narration from the diary of a young Casals. The music surrounds a display of some of the first instruments belonging to the artist.  This multisensory approach to the...
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ALB family members meet with Spanish Consul about Madrid monument

July 9, 2013
ALB family members meet with Spanish Consul about Madrid monument

On July 8, a delegation organized by Friends and Family of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade met with Juan Ramón Martínez Salazar, the Consul General of Spain and Íñigo Ramírez de Haro Valdés, Attaché for Cultural Affairs, to follow up on the letter to the Ambassador protesting the removal of the IB monument in Madrid,...
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Ralph Fasanella: A More Perfect Union

June 19, 2013
Ralph Fasanella: A More Perfect Union

Ralph Fasanella’s first gallery retrospective celebrates New York City’s bridges, skylines, and tenements; your neighbors, my neighbors, our memories and our aspirations.   These pictures draw you in to conversations.  You cannot help but stop to comment on them to your friends, the stranger next to you at the gallery, who will soon bond with...
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More IB monuments threatened

June 18, 2013
More IB monuments threatened

At his Jaily News blog, Nacho García reports on the attempt to remove the monument to the International Brigades in Madrid, the monument to the Lincoln Brigades in New Hampshire which is now threatened with being auctioned, and the status of the monument to the Brigades in Burgos.   The Jaily News is inspired by and named...
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Lincoln’s Fundamental Creed: Antonio Frasconi (1919-2013)

March 15, 2013
Lincoln’s Fundamental Creed: Antonio Frasconi (1919-2013)

Antonio Frasconi, the great graphic artist, illustrator, teacher and humanitarian, created this woodcut of the Lincoln Memorial, which resides in the nation’s capitol next to the famous words of the Gettysburg address, “That government, of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.” He titled this 1956...
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