Getting Worried by unattributed

Lincoln-Washington Machine Gunner Company Post Office, Almuchel, Brown, Battalion Postman and Wilson, Brigade Postman, September 1937. Harry Randall: Fifteenth International Brigade Films and Photographs; ALBA PHOTO 011; 11-0710; Series C;
Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
The Volunteer for Liberty, V2, No. 31, September 5, 1938.
The Company Commissar was harassed. The boys had been beefing; the grub line was snarled up and sounded like the Chicago stockyards in a thunderstorm.
Up walks Comrade S… Said he to the Company Commissar “Was there any mail for me today?”
“Comrade S…,” said the C. C., “you know damned well that if there had been, I’d have seen that it got to you. You know damned well how anxious I am for the men to get their mail.”
“Well,” said Comrade S… in a forlorn tone of voice. “It’s beginning to get serious now.”
The C. C. was harassed. “Serious,” he snortled.” Whaddyemean serios? I’m getting sick of you guys beefing about the mail. How long since you’ve had a letter? How long eh?”
“Well,” said Comrade S…, in a small voice, “it’s been nine months now.”