search results for "watt award"

Rival Durrutis: A Posthumous Cult of Personality

November 22, 2010
Rival Durrutis: A Posthumous Cult of Personality

Buenaventura Durruti was a hero to the anarchist movement, and his death on the Madrid front on November 20, 1936, saw a mass outpouring of grief from Spain’s anarchists. The paper details the development of the posthumous cult of personality of Durruti between his death and the Barcelona May Days of 1937 and their...
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African Responses to Fascism & the Spanish Civil War

November 22, 2010
African Responses to Fascism & the Spanish Civil War

Between World Wars I and II, the contentious issue of nationalism—how it can be shaped in radical or conservative ways by racially oppressed people; whether it must be embraced or superseded by Black social movements worldwide—was a complex terrain on which members of the African Diasporagalvanized their extended communities. Contradictions abounded in the ideological...
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