search results for "children franco"

The scandal of Spain’s mass graves

November 14, 2010
The scandal of Spain’s mass graves

A long piece by Alasdair Fotheringham in today's Independent:

Today, 71 years after the Spanish civil war ended, 35 years after Franco's death, and four years after a law was passed authorising exhumation of the war's mass graves, barely 10 per cent of the estimated 2,052 sites have been...
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A Cemetery Unites Winners and Losers in Zaragoza

November 1, 2010
A Cemetery Unites Winners and Losers in Zaragoza

Today is the first All Saints Day, the traditional day to visit the graves of loved ones who have passed away, that relatives of the 3,543 Republicans assassinated by Francoists either during or after the Civil War in the cementery near Torrero prison can visit a plaque with their name on it in the...
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Silva on 10 years of exhumations

October 23, 2010
Silva on 10 years of exhumations

Today's El País Emilio Silva writes a combative op-ed to mark the 10-year anniversary of the day that volunteers began digging in Priaranza del Bierzo to look for the remains of his grandfather, executed during the Spanish Civil War. Soon after, Silva founded the Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica:

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ALBA in Puerto Rico

September 28, 2010
ALBA in Puerto Rico

On October 14 and 15, ALBA's Prof. Anthony Geist will be at Casa Aboy in San Juan to screen his documentary on the Lincoln Brigade, Souls Without Borders, and to open ALBA's traveling exhibit They Still Draw Pictures: Children's Art in Wartime from the Spanish Civil War to Kosovo. More information Read more »

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“Negrín was right.” An interview with Gabriel Jackson

August 31, 2010
“Negrín was right.” An interview with Gabriel Jackson

After twenty-six years in Barcelona, one of the world’s most prominent historians of twentieth-century Spain has moved back to the United States. Few foreign scholars command the respect and authority that Gabriel Jackson enjoys in Spain. For the past decade, Jackson has been working on a major biography of Juan Negrín, the Republic’s Prime...
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John Murra’s War in Spain & France

June 1, 2010
John Murra’s War in Spain & France

John Murra (1916-2006) claimed he made up his mind to go to Spain in 20 minutes. “A recruiter asked me to go, I’d never been to Spain. It was a place I was interested in.” In February 1937, Murra put his plans to do graduate work in sociology on hold and set...
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