
Book Review : A Canadian’s revealing memoir

March 21, 2014
<em>Book Review </em>: A Canadian’s revealing memoir

Mac-Pap: Memoir of a Canadian in the Spanish Civil War. By Ronald Liversedge. Edited by David Yorke. (Vancouver: New Star Books, 2013).
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Book Review : Franco’s toxic legacy

March 21, 2014
<em>Book Review </em>: Franco’s toxic legacy

Shoot the Messenger? Spanish Democracy and the Crimes of Francoism: From the Pact of Silence to the Trial of Baltasar Garzón. By Francisco Espinosa Maestre. Translated by Richard Barker. (East Sussex: Sussex Academic Press, 2013).
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Book Review : Orwell and the Brits in Spain

March 21, 2014
<em>Book Review </em>: Orwell and the Brits in Spain

I Am Spain: The Spanish Civil War and the Men and Women Who Went to Fight Fascism. By David Boyd Haycock. (Brecon: Old Street Publishing Ltd, 2012).
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Spanish Civil War musical screened in New York

March 21, 2014
Spanish Civil War musical screened in New York

Goodbye Barcelona. A musical written by Judith Johnson & K.S. Lewkowicz and directed by Karen Rabinowitz. 2011.
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Book Review: Teenagers fighting Franco

December 19, 2013
<em>Book Review:</em> Teenagers fighting Franco

Paso a la juventud. Movilización democrática, estalinismo y revolución en la República Española. By Sandra Souto Kustrín. (Valencia: PUV, Universitat de Valencia, 2013.)
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Book Review: Anticlerical violence in Spain

December 19, 2013
<em>Book Review:</em> Anticlerical violence in Spain

The Faith and the Fury: Popular Anticlerical Violence and Iconoclasm in Spain, 1931-1936. By Maria Thomas. (Brighton: Cañada Blanch Centre for Contemporary Spanish Studies/Sussex Academic Press, 2013.)
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Book Review: In Spain with Orwell

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> In Spain with Orwell

In Spain with Orwell: George Orwell and the Independent Labour Party Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, by Christopher Hall (Tippermuir Books, Perth, 2013) £12.50
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Book Review: Poverty, war and football

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Poverty, war and football

In and Out of the Lion’s Den: Poverty, War and Football by Julie Ryan (2013) £9.99
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Book Review: Franco’s International Brigades

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Franco’s International Brigades

Franco’s International Brigades: Adventurers, Fascists and Christian Crusaders in the Spanish Civil War, by Christopher Othen (Hurst & Company, London, 2013) £15.99
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Book Review: Exhuming a buried past

September 15, 2013
<i>Book Review:</i> Exhuming a buried past

The Spanish Civil War: Exhuming a Buried Past, edited by Anindya Raychaudhuri (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 2013) £90
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