
ALBA Teaching Institutes: A Busy Spring Calendar

February 27, 2018
ALBA Teaching Institutes: A Busy Spring Calendar

ALBA's teaching teams are looking ahead to a busy spring: We'll be working with teachers in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and South Carolina.
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Letter from ALBA: The Case for Activist Alliances

February 27, 2018
By and
Letter from ALBA: The Case for Activist Alliances

This past January, hundreds of thousands took to the streets in the Second Women’s March. Their protest underscored that fighting misogyny, xenophobia, and exploitation requires broad alliances. As this issue of the Volunteer illustrates, the Women’s March follows a tradition of activist protest that has deep roots in our nation’s history.
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A New Home for ALBA in New York, and a Homecoming—of Sorts

February 27, 2018
A New Home for ALBA in New York, and a Homecoming—of Sorts

ALBA has moved offices from one historical location to another one. Our new home is steeped in history and ripe with promise.
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Labor Rights are Human Rights: ALBA to Honor Activist Organizers at May Event

February 27, 2018
Labor Rights are Human Rights: ALBA to Honor Activist Organizers at May Event

This year’s recipient of the ALBA/Puffin Human Rights Award is the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, a worker-based labor and human rights organization founded in Florida in 1993.
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Wayne State Hosts ALBA/Susman Lecture

November 19, 2017
Wayne State Hosts ALBA/Susman Lecture

Dr. Mark Bray, controversial author of The Antifa Handbook, delivered the Bill Susman lecture to a lively crowd of 100 at Wayne State University on October 17. His appearance served also as the annual event of the university’s Abraham Lincoln Brigade Scholarship Fund, which was established in 1982 after a benefit concert donated by...
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Watt Prizes Recognize Outstanding Student Writing

November 19, 2017
Watt Prizes Recognize Outstanding Student Writing

The 2017 George Watt Essay Prize for the best writing on the Spanish Civil War received a record number of submissions. Students from Canada, Egypt, and 18 U.S. states submitted essays, poems, and stories for this year’s annual prizes.
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Letter from ALBA: The Legacy Will Endure

November 19, 2017
Letter from ALBA: The Legacy Will Endure

We have all been following the conflict over the status of Catalonia within the Spanish state. This issue of The Volunteer features an insightful interview on the topic with journalist Emilio Silva. The conflict over Catalonia has not only mobilized a sector of the left but also, Silva notes, “improved the image of the...
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I’ll Be There: Film Festival Shows Legacy of the Lincolns

November 19, 2017
<i>I’ll Be There: </i>Film Festival Shows Legacy of the Lincolns

ALBA’s Human Rights Film Festival shines a light on human rights abuses—and on those who try to stop them—wherever they may happen. The geography covered by this year’s Impugning Impunity is vast.
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ALBA Teaching Institutes More Relevant Than Ever

November 19, 2017
ALBA Teaching Institutes More Relevant Than Ever

For the past ten years, ALBA has been conducting professional development workshops for high school educators all over the country, and to date we have reached over 1,200 teachers in more than nine states.
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More Ways to Make ALBA Thrive

August 31, 2017
More Ways to Make ALBA Thrive

There are many ways to help support the work ALBA does throughout the country, from planned gifts to monthly donations.
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