Memory’s Roster

Shirley Katz Cohen, 1926-2020

May 11, 2021
Shirley Katz Cohen, 1926-2020

While growing up in New York City, I was fortunate to have various strong, intelligent, and politically committed women in my family. One of the most impressive of these women was my “aunt,” Shirley Katz Cohen (actually the sister of an aunt), whose presence at family dinners and special events had a distinctive influence...
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What Do We Know About Salaria Kea’s Irish Husband?

May 11, 2021
What Do We Know About Salaria Kea’s Irish Husband?

Salaria Kea, the only woman among the close to 100 African American volunteers who left for Spain from the United States, married an Irish ambulance driver. Who was John O’Reilly?
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Sydney Harris, UK-born Lincoln Vet

May 11, 2021
Sydney Harris, UK-born Lincoln Vet

Born in Leeds, England, Syd Harris ended up in a Chicago orphanage when he was five. Fifteen years later, he volunteered for the Lincoln Battalion. After the war, as a well-known labor photographer and journalist, he was targeted by the FBI. A former boxer, he also acted as Paul Robeson’s personal bodyguard when the...
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What Happened to Maurice Wolf?

May 11, 2021
What Happened to Maurice Wolf?

Colleen Darby never met her uncle, who died in Spain five years before she was born. A reconstruction of his life and the circumstances of his death.
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Honoring Lincoln Brigade Veterans in May 2021

February 4, 2021
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Honoring Lincoln Brigade Veterans in May 2021

Memorial Day is the day traditionally set aside to remember Americans who served in the military. And, yet, Americans who went to Spain to fight fascism are rarely, if ever, included in the remembrances on this day. We would like to change this. In recent years, Canadian volunteers led by Pamela Vivian, and with...
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Judith Montell (1930-2020)

August 27, 2020
Judith Montell (1930-2020)

Judith Montell, prize-winning documentary filmmaker and long-time member of the ALBA Board of Governors, passed away on May 23 after a long illness. Her best-known film was surely Forever Activists: Stories of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, which was nominated for an Academy Award in 1991. She also directed shorter films dealing with...
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Chato Galante (1948-2020)

August 27, 2020
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Chato Galante (1948-2020)

José María “Chato” Galante passed away on March 29, 2020, in Madrid, Spain, due to coronavirus, following treatment for lung cancer. Chato was a lifelong activist fighting for justice for victims of Spain’s Franco dictatorship and was one of the protagonists in The Silence of Others, by Almudena Carracedo and Robert Bahar.  
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Famed 9th Company of the Leclerc Division Loses Its Last Spanish Veteran

June 2, 2020
Famed 9th Company of the Leclerc Division Loses Its Last Spanish Veteran

Recognition of the presence of Spanish Loyalists in the French Army over the last 15 years has unfortunately led to the propagation of numerous myths.
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Honoring Spanish Civil War Vets on Memorial Day

May 2, 2020
By and
Honoring Spanish Civil War Vets on Memorial Day

Memorial Day is the day traditionally set aside to remember Americans who served in the military.  And yet Americans who went to Spain to fight fascism are rarely if ever included in the remembrances on this day. We would like to change this. Over the last two years, Canadian volunteers led by Pamela Vivian,...
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Perry Rosenstein (1926-2020)

April 25, 2020
Perry Rosenstein (1926-2020)

We write in mourning for the loss of our dear friend, Perry Rosenstein, Founder and President of the Puffin Foundation, Ltd., who passed away in Teaneck, NJ on April 3 after a brief struggle with the COVID-19 virus.
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