
An Underground Landscape of Terror

June 11, 2015
An Underground Landscape of Terror

Cultural anthropologist Francisco Ferrándiz has spent the last 13 years of his life studying the impact of Civil War exhumations in Spain, working in close collaboration with groups like the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory. Thanks to their efforts, Spanish citizens have exhumed more than 6,000 bodies since 2000—most of them civilian...
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Faces of ALBA-VALB: Kelley Brown

June 11, 2015
<i>Faces of ALBA-VALB:</i> Kelley Brown

Master Teacher Kelley Brown speaks about the rise of the Common Core and her experience teaching with ALBA’s materials in Massachusetts.
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HR COLUMN: Youth Protest and Human Rights

March 13, 2015
<em>HR COLUMN:</em> Youth Protest and Human Rights

Four years ago, Mohammed Bouazizi, a Tunisian street merchant unable to obtain licenses to operate his business without local harassment, immolated himself in desperation. His death set off protests throughout the Arab world and sparked a two-year series of youth demonstrations, lasting through 2013, that were remarkable for their scope and intensity but also...
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From Guernica to Human Rights: The shifting paradigms of the Spanish Civil War

March 13, 2015
From Guernica to Human Rights: The shifting paradigms of the Spanish Civil War

Writers and soldiers alike saw Spain as the first battlefield of World War II. In the title essay of his new book, excerpted here, historian Peter N. Carroll traces the war’s legacy, from the shocking bombing of the Basque town of Guernica by German and Italian air forces to the attacks on civilians and...
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El antisepulcro

March 13, 2015
El antisepulcro

A Clemente Bernad
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Poem by M. Rivas: The Anti-Sepulcher El antisepulcro

March 13, 2015
<i>Poem by M. Rivas:</i> The Anti-Sepulcher <i>El antisepulcro</i>

A poem by the Spanish writer Manuel Rivas, who nominated the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory for this year's ALBA/Puffin Award. Photography by Clemente Bernad.
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Untreated Memories: Franco’s Disappeared

March 13, 2015
Untreated Memories: Franco’s Disappeared

Some 114,000 Spaniards lay in unmarked mass graves strewn all over the Iberian Peninsula. Only Cambodia has more densely populated killing fields. These are not men and women killed at the front during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39); they are victims of systematic extrajudicial assassinations carried out by Francoist forces during and after that...
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Faces of ALBA: Dale Hueber

December 17, 2014
<i>Faces of ALBA:</i> Dale Hueber

Florida educator Dale Hueber did not follow the usual path to teaching history.
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The Spaniards who helped liberate Paris

December 17, 2014
The Spaniards who helped liberate Paris

Graphic novelist Paco Roca worked with ALBA’s Bob Coale to chronicle the odyssey of “La Nueve,” the company of Spanish Republicans who fought the Nazis with General LeClerc.
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Mind-boggling lies: Preston on Carrillo

December 17, 2014
Mind-boggling lies: Preston on Carrillo

Preston’s revealing exposé of Carrillo’s ruthless rise to power within the Party—a career strewn with lies, crimes, and betrayals—destroyed the positive image that Carrillo had managed to build in the wake of the democratic Transition.
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