
Trump or the Decline of Historical Memory

March 6, 2017
By and
Trump or the Decline of Historical Memory

Trump’s election creates new challenges for everyone involved in history teaching. What is it like to teach history when the nation’s president appears to chronically ignore factual evidence? What’s the task ahead?
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A Pig Islander among the Mac-Paps

December 3, 2016
A Pig Islander among the Mac-Paps

As a sergeant in the Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, Alex Maclure firmly aligned himself with New Zealand volunteers in the International Brigades. In the above letter, published in the Communist Party of New Zealand’s Workers’ Weekly, he refers to himself as a ‘Pig Islander’, a term then applied to New Zealanders by other nationalities. Yet Alexander...
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Cuban IB veterans in a French Concentration Camp: From the Soviet Archives

December 3, 2016
Cuban IB veterans in a French Concentration Camp: From the Soviet Archives

The archives of the Communist International in Moscow, now partly available online, hold many small treasures. When we found the news bulletin published by a group of Cuban veterans of the International Brigades who were interned in the French concentration camp of Argelès-sur-Mer, we sent it to Denise Urcelay-Maragnès, who wrote a book on...
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Leo Eloesser: The Remarkable Story of a Medical Volunteer in Spain

December 3, 2016
Leo Eloesser: The Remarkable Story of a Medical Volunteer in Spain

Among the American medical volunteers in the Spanish Civil War, Dr. Leo Eloesser, a thoracic surgeon affiliated with San Francisco General Hospital, organized a team of west coast doctors and nurses and brought his considerable experience of military medicine to Republican Spain. His extraordinary experience is chronicled in a recent volume written by a...
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The Lincoln Brigade: An Exclusive Excerpt from the New Graphic Novel by Pablo Durá

December 3, 2016
<em>The Lincoln Brigade:</em> An Exclusive Excerpt from the New Graphic Novel by Pablo Durá

Pablo Durá is the author of The Lincoln Brigade, a new graphic novel based on the life story of Oliver Law, of which we are proud to feature an excerpt in this issue.
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HR COLUMN | Winona LaDuke: What would Sitting Bull Do?

December 3, 2016
<em>HR COLUMN |</em> Winona LaDuke: What would Sitting Bull Do?

What will Governor Dalrymple sacrifice for the Dakota Access Pipeline? Activist and former Green Party candidate Winona LaDuke reminds us that Standing Rock is only the most recent chapter in a long history of dispossession. “The Lakota people have survived many invasions.”
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Otro 9/11 gris: Una profesora reflexiona

December 3, 2016
Otro 9/11 gris: Una profesora reflexiona

Como de costumbre, ALBA organizó su taller para profesores de secundaria en Nueva York el día de elecciones. Poco después, una de las participantes nos envió esta sentida reflexión.
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Another Gray 9/11: A Teacher Reflects

December 3, 2016
Another Gray 9/11: A Teacher Reflects

Sixteen years ago I moved to New York, not as an economic migrant nor as a political exile, but as a student. The years went by and I stayed. I am from the 9/11 generation, I arrived in the city just a couple of months before the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and,...
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Heart of Spain: Intensely Political

December 3, 2016
<em>Heart of Spain</em>: Intensely Political

Eighty years ago an epic struggle began, largely to be overwritten in public memory by World War II and smeared by the anti-communist witch-hunts that followed. Now a dramatic and intensely political musical play, Heart of Spain, ran at the Zellerbach Playhouse on the University of California at Berkeley campus.
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Who is the Mysterious “Cuba Hermosa”? New Evidence Comes to Light

November 22, 2016
Who is the Mysterious “Cuba Hermosa”? New Evidence Comes to Light

In 2009 an anonymous black International Brigades volunteer became famous when his picture garnered the attention of the international news media. The Spanish government wanted to give the photograph of the man, taken in Barcelona in January 1937 by Catalán photojournalist Agustí Centelles, as a gift to newly elected U.S. President Barack Obama in...
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