
London Review covers Spanish stolen babies

April 5, 2012

Lorna Scott Fox writes in the London Review of Books about the first criminal persecution  in the massive scandal of stolen babies that began under Franco and continued into Spanish democracy:

According to lawyers for victim groups, as many as 350,000 babies were stolen from poor, single or left-wing mothers between 1938...
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Facing Fascism, in Beckley, West Virginia, for example

April 2, 2012
Facing Fascism, in Beckley, West Virginia, for example

On March 27, 1938, Avelino González Mallada, former mayor of the Asturian city of Gijón, died in a car crash on a country road in Woodstock, Virginia.  The New York Times (p. 4) explained on the next day that “Señor Mallada was in this country on a sixty-day permit granted to him by the...
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Book presentation: Tales from the Lincoln Brigade

March 30, 2012
Book presentation: Tales from the Lincoln Brigade

The Instituto Cervantes in New York alerts us to a terrific event to take place on April 12, at 7pm:  "Tales from the Lincoln Brigade," a round table discussion to present  the first books of the Biblioteca Afro-Americana de Madrid (African-American Library of Madrid, BAAM): the Spanish translations of Langston Hughes's dispatches from the Spanish Civil War,...
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Facing Fascism, in Tampa, Florida, for example

March 30, 2012
Facing Fascism, in Tampa, Florida, for example

Tampa, Florida was a sleepy town of just a few thousand inhabitants when, in 1885, the Spanish cigarmakers Vicente Martínez Ybor and Ignacio Haya decided to relocate their “clear Havana tobacco” cigar factories to the area from Key West.  (They had relocated in 1869 from Havana to Key West to avoid both the high...
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Facing Fascism, in Barre, Vermont, for example

March 28, 2012
Facing Fascism, in Barre, Vermont, for example

Another somewhat unlikely focus of anti-fascist activism during the Spanish Civil War was Barre, Vermont.  The town was home to a significant population of working class Spaniards most of whom had left their native region of Cantabria (Santander) during the first decades of the twentieth century to work in the granite quarries and stone...
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Facing Fascism in Vacaville, California, for example

March 28, 2012
Facing Fascism in Vacaville, California, for example

The 2007 museum show and catalog “Facing Fascism:  New York and the Spanish Civil War” broke new ground by focusing on the way individuals and communities in New York city responded to the outbreak, conduct, and outcome of the Spanish Civil War. And while New York was a particularly active site for all kinds...
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Kate Doyle on justice in Guatemala

March 25, 2012
Kate Doyle on justice in Guatemala

Kate Doyle of the National Security Archives, winner of the 2012 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, reflects on the pursuit of justice in Guatemala in NACLA's new Report on the Americas--a special issue dedicated to "Central America: Legacies of War." Other contributors include Greg Grandin (who interviews Noam Chomsky),...
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Talk on photos from the Aragon Retreats

March 20, 2012
Talk on photos from the Aragon Retreats

Alan Warren notifies us of an upcoming event around 22 photographs of the retreats in Aragón, depicting American volunteers, for which research has been able to pinpoint the exact location where they were taken (text and announcement in Catalan, in pdf here):
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Commemorations in Spain: A report from the AABI

March 20, 2012
Commemorations in Spain: A report from the AABI

Severiano Montero, of the Association of Friends of the International Brigades (AABI), sends a report on recent commemorations and other events: On February 27, we presented at the Ateneo de Madrid the Fanny Edelman's book "Rebelion militante". Jorge Grela, Vicente González and Miguel Pastrana glossed the human and political significance of this fighter for human...
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Guatemalan soldier convicted; BBC covers search for justice

March 13, 2012

A former Guatemalan soldier has been convicted to more than 6,000 years in prison for his role in a massacre of more than 200 people during the Internal Conflict, the BBC reports. Yesterday, also for the BBC, Paula Dear covered the story of the country's quest for justice.
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