
Memory and Oblivion in the Spanish Diaspora (2)

July 1, 2012
Memory and Oblivion in the Spanish Diaspora (2)

It wasn’t until I began scanning the old crumbling panoramic photograph that I started to become suspicious.  The image is spectacular: a large crowd of Spanish immigrants poses for a picture at some kind of picnic.  The owner of the photo and several of the Spaniards I’ve been interviewing in Monterey told me that...
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London commemoration of International Brigades, July 7

June 30, 2012
London commemoration of International Brigades, July 7

This coming July 7, at 12:30pm, the International Brigade Memorial in London's Jubilee Gardens will serve as the gathering point for a commemorative event featuring speakers, poetry, and music. More information on the flier (pdf).
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Memory and Oblivion in the Spanish Diaspora

June 30, 2012
Memory and Oblivion in the Spanish Diaspora

I’m back in Monterey, California, following up on the story of the Spanish immigrants who settled in this area in the early decades of the 20th century.  I’m constantly surprised both by the ubiquity of photographs, stories, and objects related to the Republic and the Spanish Civil War, and by the relative oblivion into...
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Ex Argentine Dictator Awaits His Sentence, Insults Pregnant Women

June 29, 2012
Ex Argentine Dictator Awaits His Sentence, Insults Pregnant Women

This past Tuesday, Jorge Rafael Videla, the ex Argentine dictator who ruled from 1976 to 1983, gave his final words in his court case regarding the theft of babies from pregnant women during the country's Dirty War. According to, the 86 year-old Videla used this platform as a means for insulting the...
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Spanish Liberals and Intellectuals Promote Writers’ Conference

June 29, 2012
Spanish Liberals and Intellectuals Promote Writers’ Conference

This coming fall, many renowned Spanish liberals and intellectuals will be promoting and celebrating a so-called Conference of Writers, Intellectuals, and Artists for the Compromise. The conference is set to coincide with the 75th anniversary of the "legendary Second International Writers' Conference for the Defense of Culture, which in the summer of 1937 met...
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Mexican Presidential Candidates Shy Away from Drug-Related Issues

June 27, 2012
Mexican Presidential Candidates Shy Away from Drug-Related Issues

With Mexico’s presidential election less than a week away, none of the candidates have firmly established their policies regarding Mexico’s Drug War, and have avoided divulging how they plan to combat the narco traffickers and cartels that have turned large areas of the country into violent warzones. The escalation of drug-related violence in the...
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Litigating Legality: The “Secret Justice” of the U.S. Federal Judiciary

June 26, 2012
Litigating Legality: The “Secret Justice” of the U.S. Federal Judiciary

The United States' federal judiciary is turning its back on constitutionality. With the emergence of several legal cases involving the complicity of the United States in tortures and disappearances that have occurred over the past decade, it is becoming increasingly evident that our justice system is corrupt. According to writer Scott Horton of...
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Support our Troops (except for the Mac-Paps)

June 25, 2012
Support our Troops (except for the Mac-Paps)

As the Canadian Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion slips from popular memory, one professor attempts to bring to light their tragic history in Spain.
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Pat Buchanan on Spanish, Syrian Civil Wars

June 25, 2012
Pat Buchanan on Spanish, Syrian Civil Wars

Like the Spanish Civil War, argues Pat Buchanan, the American governemnt should not send weapons or aide to Syria.
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A Lincoln Brigade for Syria?

June 25, 2012
A Lincoln Brigade for Syria?

An article in 'The National Interest' debates the merit of a new Lincoln Brigade for Syria.
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