
HRW: More waterboarding by US government

September 7, 2012
HRW: More waterboarding by US government

A new 154-page report issued by Human Rights Watch details new cases of torture committed by US government representatives. From the press release: The United States government during the Bush administration tortured opponents of Muammar Gaddafi, then transferred them to mistreatment in Libya, according to accounts by former detainees and recently uncovered...
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Mexican Caravan for Peace arrives in New York

September 7, 2012

From our friends at NACLA: Today, members of the Mexican Movement for Peace with Justice and Dignity, led by journalist Javier Sicilia, arrived in New York City. The Caravan for Peace has spent the past month traveling across the United States in protest of failed drug war policies. During its visit, the Caravan and its...
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“To Say Goodbye” Competes at the San Sebastian Film Festival

September 4, 2012
“To Say Goodbye” Competes at the San Sebastian Film Festival

From September 21-29, British director Matt Richard's new film, entitled "To Say Goodbye," will premiere at the San Sebastian Film Festival, in San Sebastian, Spain. According to El Público, the animated film tells the story of "4,000 Basque children who set sail on the Habana ship en route to the United Kingdom" during...
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From Crisis to Cooperatives: Lessons from Argentina’s Cartoneros

September 3, 2012
From Crisis to Cooperatives: Lessons from Argentina’s Cartoneros

An audio reportage courtesy of Free Speech Radio (listen here): Over the last few years, Europe has experienced a severe financial crisis, with countries like Greece and Spain facing skyrocketing debt and unemployment. More than a decade ago, a similar situation was unfolding in Argentina. In 2001, the country suffered a debilitating economic crisis...
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Desmond Tutu: Blair and Bush should be tried for war crimes

September 2, 2012
Desmond Tutu: Blair and Bush should be tried for war crimes

“Archbishop Desmond Tutu has called for Tony Blair and George Bush to be hauled before the international criminal court in The Hague,” The Guardian reports, “and delivered a damning critique of the physical and moral devastation caused by the Iraq war”: “The then leaders of the United States and Great Britain,” Tutu argues, “fabricated...
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Is There Freedom of the Press in Spain?

September 1, 2012
Is There Freedom of the Press in Spain?

The Spanish on-line paper El Plural is reporting a rather shocking story from Madrid. “The State Secretariat of Information has decided that the news conference planned for next week by the Circle of Foreign Correspondents in Spain with former judge Baltasar Garzón “is not appropriate” (“no es idóneo”), and it has denied permission for...
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Bullfighting to Be Televised Once Again in Spain

September 1, 2012
Bullfighting to Be Televised Once Again in Spain

In the face of "falling popularity" and "economic crisis," state television in Spain will begin to air bullfighting after a six-year hiatus, reports the New York Times. This change in policy comes via the conservative Popular Party government, which, unlike many animal rights groups in Spain today, is staunchly pro-bullfighting, and opposes animal...
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López Obrador’s Election Challenge Rejected

September 1, 2012
López Obrador’s Election Challenge Rejected

Mexico's highest election court has rejected election runner-up Andrés Manuel López Obrador's legal challenge to overturn the results of the Mexican presidential election, which Enrique Peña Nieto of the PRI party won on July 1st. Shortly following the election, López Obrador accused Peña Nieto of having "engaged in widespread vote-buying and campaign overspending...
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An apocryphal obituary of a fictional character

August 31, 2012
An apocryphal obituary of a fictional character

In his massive novel La noche de los tiempos, Antonio Muñoz Molina crafts an unforgettable fictional character named  Judith Biely.  The daughter of Eastern European Jewish immigrants, Judith grew up in New York, did doctoral work in Spanish Literature at Columbia, and traveled to Spain in the early 1930s to conduct doctoral research.  In...
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Memorial for Michael Nash (1946-2012)

August 30, 2012
Memorial for Michael Nash (1946-2012)

You are invited to a celebration of the life of Dr. Michael H. Nash Head of Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives Please join Jeanne Nash, sons Raphael and Gabriel, and Mike’s friends and colleagues for a program of reminiscence and appreciation. Light refreshments to follow. Friday, September 28th, 2012 5:30pm to...
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