
Jarama Valley, International Brigades Remembered in SCW Tours

July 10, 2013
Jarama Valley, International Brigades Remembered in SCW Tours

"Now we're far from that valley of sorrow/But its mem'ry we'll never forget/In the midst of the struggles around us/Let's remember our glorious dead."  The lyrics of the International Brigade ballad "Jarama Valley" immortalized by Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger continue to ring true 75 years after the survivors of the Abraham Lincoln...
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Preston on Orwell (via Jim Jump)

July 9, 2013
Preston on Orwell (via Jim Jump)

Our friends at the IBMT have posted Paul Preston's lecture on George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, read at the Len Crome Memorial event by IBMT secretary Jim Jump (Preston himself was unable to attend).  See the video below or on YouTube. Marshall Mateer provides some useful context for a U.S. audience:

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ALB family members meet with Spanish Consul about Madrid monument

July 9, 2013
ALB family members meet with Spanish Consul about Madrid monument

On July 8, a delegation organized by Friends and Family of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade met with Juan Ramón Martínez Salazar, the Consul General of Spain and Íñigo Ramírez de Haro Valdés, Attaché for Cultural Affairs, to follow up on the letter to the Ambassador protesting the removal of the IB monument in Madrid,...
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London IB commemoration: pictures

July 9, 2013
London IB commemoration: pictures

The annual commemoration in honor of the International Brigades was held in London on July 6. See a slideshow here, courtesy of photographer Guy Smallman and the IBMT. More pictures, courtesy of Almudena Cros of the Asociación de los Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI), on Facebook here.
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ALBA joins coalition calling for Spanish truth commission

July 8, 2013
ALBA joins coalition calling for Spanish truth commission

(Versión en castellano.) On July 3 the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives (ALBA) became the first organization from the United States to join the Plataforma por la Comisión de la Verdad sobre los Crímenes del Franquismo (Platform for a Truth Commission on the Crimes of Francoism).  As ALBA is entrusted to sustain and preserve the legacy...
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Brigadista Michael O’Riordan featured in 1971 TV program

July 6, 2013
Brigadista Michael O’Riordan featured in 1971 TV program

Dublin IBMT member Luke O’Riordan has posted a 1971 Irish TV programme (watch here) on his late grandfather, Irish International Brigader Michael O’Riordan (12 November 1917- 18 May 2006), a veteran of the 1938 Battle of the Ebro, whose 75th anniversary is being marked this year. Luke has also posted a recording of his recently...
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75th anniversary of the Battle of the Ebro remembered in London

June 27, 2013
75th anniversary of the Battle of the Ebro remembered in London

Supporters of the legendary International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War will gather in Jubilee Gardens in London’s South Bank from 12.30pm on Saturday 6 July. Next to the park’s International Brigade memorial they will commemorate the 2,500 volunteers from the British Isles who defended the Spanish Republic against Franco, Hitler and Mussolini between...
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New SCW letters added to ALBA collection

June 24, 2013
New SCW letters added to ALBA collection

Chela Scott Weber, associate head of the Tamiment Library, which houses the ALBA collection, writes in the NYU Libraries newsletter on a new donation, The Joseph North and Helen Oken North Papers: The North Papers span the 1910s through the 1960s, most of them from 1930 to 1960. Joseph North was a journalist who covered...
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Ratner on Snowden

June 24, 2013
Ratner on Snowden

Amy Goodman at Democracy Now! gets the latest news on Edward Snowden from Michael Ratner, an attorney to Wikileaks and Julian Assange, member of ALBA's Honorary Board, and president emeritus of the Center for Constitutional RightsRead more »

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Muriel Rukeyser’s poetry featured

June 23, 2013
Muriel Rukeyser’s poetry featured

Muriel Rukeyser (1913-1980) was an American poet who happened to be in Spain in July 1936, covered the Civil War as a journalist, and would revisit it time and again in her later work. Her previously unpublished Spanish Civil War novel Savage Coast has just been released, edited by Rowena Kennedy-Epstein (see here for a sneak peek...
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