
NY Times cover Franco’s victims case in Argentina

October 2, 2013
NY Times cover Franco’s victims case in Argentina

Raphael Minder, writing for the New York Times, highlights the recent indictments of former Francoist officials by the Argentine judge who, invoking universal jurisdiction, has taken up the case brought by victims of the Franco regime:

When the Argentine judge in the case, María Romilda Servini de Cubría, issued arrest...
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UN working group: High time the Spanish government take enforced disappearances more seriously

October 1, 2013
UN working group: High time the Spanish government take enforced disappearances more seriously

The United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances closed its visit to Spain yesterday with a poorly attended press conference at which the two UN representatives presented the Spanish government with a long list of urgent tasks: “The State must assume a leadership role and engage more actively to respond to the demands...
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Political posters from Chile on show at El Taller Latino

September 30, 2013
Political posters from Chile on show at El Taller Latino

The exhibit “Chile Vive”  featuring historical posters from Salvador Allende’s Popular Unity Government in Chile (1970-73) is on show at El Taller Latino (2710 Broadway, NYC) until November 2. (See here for a review in the Indypendent.) Curators are Andrea Arroyo and Carol Smith, who sends along the following: I had the great privilege...
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Spanish tribute to Sam Levinger

September 29, 2013
Spanish tribute to Sam Levinger

Juan Arana writes (for a version in Spanish, see below): Today, September 29, 2013, a group of friends and sympathizers of the International Brigades, brought together by Luis Granell, a writer and journalist from Zaragoza, gathered in  La Puebla de Híjar, Teruel (Spain) to pay tribute to Sam Levinger and all the other members...
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Ray E. Davis, U.S. Official Involved with the Murder of Two Americans under Pinochet, Dies at 88

September 27, 2013
Ray E. Davis, U.S. Official Involved with the Murder of Two Americans under Pinochet, Dies at 88

In 2011, a Chilean judge requested the extradition of Former American Navy Captain Ray E. Davis in connection with the  murders of Americans Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi after Pinochet's 1973 coup.  However, it appears that Davis had been living in a Santiago nursing home for the last year, before dying of a "multisystemic...
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Did Hollywood aid Hitler?

September 27, 2013
Did Hollywood aid Hitler?

The New Yorker's David Denby has followed up his negative review of Ben Urwand's new book, The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler--which claims that major Hollywood studies actively collaborated with Nazi Germany--with a detailed blog post pointing out additional errors and omissions:

Urwand leaves the impression, despite some perfunctory nods to the Hollywood Anti-Nazi...
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“Mexican Suitcase” exhibit makes it to Mexico

September 27, 2013
“Mexican Suitcase” exhibit makes it to Mexico

The Mexican Suitcase: The Rediscovered Spanish Civil War Negatives by Capa, Chim, and Taro, the exhibit curated by Cynthia Young of the International Center for Photography, has finally made it back to Mexico City, from where the negatives were recovered several years ago. The show will open at the Antiguo Colegio San Ildefonso on October...
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New plaque to British Battalion

September 25, 2013
New plaque to British Battalion

Situated next to the old church of Corbera d‘Ebre, a memorial plaque marking the last stand of the British Battalion in Spain in September 1938 was unveiled on 24 September 2013 by family members of those who took part in the Battle of the Ebro. The plaque has been sponsored by the International Brigade Memorial...
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Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff calls US spying violation of human rights and international law

September 24, 2013
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff calls US spying violation of human rights and international law

“What we have before us, Mr. President, is a serious case of violation of human rights and civil liberties, a case of invasion and capture of confidential secret information pertaining to business activities, and above all, a case of disrespect to the national sovereignty of my country.” Dilma Rousseff did not hold back in...
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Argentine judge issues arrest warrants for 4 Francoist officials

September 22, 2013
Argentine judge issues arrest warrants for 4 Francoist officials

On September 18, the Argentine judge María Servini de Cubría requested the extradition of four Franco-era officials accused of torture. The order is the first arrest warrant issued for those suspected of committing crimes against humanity during Spain’s forty-year dictatorship since the country passed an amnesty law in 1977. The four accused are Jesús Muñecas...
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