
Prominent Spaniards read victims’ testimonies

June 16, 2010

Just uploaded to YouTube: "Contra la impunidad" (Against Impunity), a nine-minute video put together by Pedro Almodóvar's production company, in which a number of well-known Spanish actors and intellectuals (including Pilar and Javier Bardem, Juan Diego, and Almodóvar himself) read first-person narratives of victims of Nationalist and Francoist repression. The video emphasizes that...
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Capa and Kati Horna

June 15, 2010

Joanna Moorhead, writing in The Independent, reveals that the two Hungarian photographers of the Spanish Civil War were in love: He was the legendary war photographer, a man who alternated dodging death on battlefields with a glamorous, star-studded life-style; she was a self-effacing, left-wing intellectual who preferred to stay out of the limelight, hidden...
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Surreal Friends in the wake of the Spanish Civil War

June 12, 2010
Surreal Friends in the wake of the Spanish Civil War

Opening next week at the Pallant House Gallery: "Surreal Friends: Leonora Carrington, Remedios Varo and Kati Horna"--three women whose lives and work were deeply marked by the Spanish Civil War:

When Mexico opened its borders to refugees from Europe in the late 1930s, it attracted a host of artists fleeing...
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Sao Paolo newspaper covers Cartier-Bresson find

June 12, 2010

Silas Martí writes in the Folha de Sao Paolo on Juan Salas' discovery of Henri Cartier-Bresson's long-lost Spanish Civil War documentary, With the Lincoln Brigade in Spain (clip here):

Na época, o artista já tinha uma reputação como fotógrafo de toada surrealista. Mas, na volta ao cinema por...
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Gearing up for two ALBA summer institutes

June 10, 2010

After holding successful week-long institutes for high-school teachers in New York City and Tampa, Florida, last year, ALBA is proud to announce its first institute in the Midwest, entitled "Ohio and the Spanish Civil War" (June 13-18). The Institute is co-sponsored by the Ohio Humanities Council, Oberlin College, and the Puffin Foundation....
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Nottingham International Brigade monument to be rededicated

June 10, 2010
Nottingham International Brigade monument to be rededicated

The monument, which was hijacked last year by the local representatives of the Conservative Part, will be rededicated on the anniversary of the outbreak of the Civil War, July 17. More here.
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Swiss lawmakers behind Garzón

June 10, 2010

Expatica reports:

Sixty Swiss parliamentarians on Thursday lent their support to Spanish judge Baltasar Garzon, who has been suspended over an alleged abuse of power linked to a probe of Franco-era crimes. In a statement published Thursday, the mostly left-wing lawmakers from the two chambers of Swiss parliament expressed "total support...
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New SCW film by Alex de la Iglesia

June 10, 2010

Renowned Spanish filmmaker and president of the Academy of Spanish Cinema Alex de la Iglesia is reported to be working on a new Spanish Civil War project:

1937 Spanish civil war, Javier and Sergio, two circus clowns are in love with the same woman, a dancer. They are recruited by...
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Garzón: “The seeds of justice have been sown”

June 9, 2010
Garzón: “The seeds of justice have been sown”

Mr. Garzón said that he did not expect to stay in the Netherlands beyond December and that he was not considering another job switch should his legal problems worsen.
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Spain and the World Cup

June 8, 2010
Spain and the World Cup

The soccer World Cup opens this Friday in South Africa. Spain, reigning European champion, is starting off as one of the favorites. But a lot is riding on the national team's potential success, the New York Times reports today. A cup would help ease--or at least distract from--the country's economic woes.

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