
Valley of the Fallen Changes Use

October 13, 2010
Valley of the Fallen Changes Use

The Spanish Senate approved a proposal to enforce the Law of Historical Memory by converting the Valley of the Fallen monument into a site which will recognize the victims of the Civil War and Franco’s dictatorship, reports Natalia Junquera, for El País . The progressive coalition, Entesa Catalana del Progrès, (made up of...
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The pot calling the kettle black?

October 13, 2010
The pot calling the kettle black?

Spanish Supreme Court Justice Manuel Marchena, who is prosecuting Judge Baltasar Garzón for alleged irregularities related to courses taught at New York University in a program cosponsored by some Spanish banks and corporations, has himself frequently given talks and classes paid for by some 25 different corporate sponsorships, Público reveals. Moreover, neither Marchena...
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Tribute to IBs in Valencia, Oct 29-Nov 7

October 13, 2010

Robert Llopis sends along the program for the Fifth Tribute Week to the International Brigades, which will be celebrated in Benissa (País Valencià) from October 29 to November 7, 2010.
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Valley of the Fallen, at the center of new debate

October 12, 2010
Valley of the Fallen, at the center of new debate

Today, the day Spain commemorates its conquest of Latin America (Día de la Hispanidad), known as Columbus Day in the U.S., the Spanish Minister of Justice spoke on Spanish national public television to defend the research going on at the Valley of the Fallen, and denied that any mass graves are being...
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Brossa string quartet plays IB songs

October 12, 2010
Brossa string quartet plays IB songs

The renowned, boundary-pushing Brossa String Quartet (Brossa Quartet de Corda) has just released a new CD with songs from the International Brigades, including "Si me quieres escribir," "Los cuatro generales," "Viva la Quince Brigada," and "Tango del Camp d'Argelers." The album can be bought here. See here for a video of...
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Memory Association celebrates 10-year anniversary

October 12, 2010
Memory Association celebrates 10-year anniversary

Next week the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica, ARMH), founded and led by Emilio Silva, will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of its first exhumation of a mass grave, which took place on October 23-24, 2000 in Priaranza del Bierzo (León), Público Read more »

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Spanish TV news covers La Colonia

October 11, 2010
Spanish TV news covers La Colonia

Yesterday the Telediario of Spanish national television covered La Colonia: Spanish Immigrants in New York, 1898-1945,a photography exhibit curated by ALBA Board member James D. Fernández, and co-sponsored by ALBA. The segment can be viewed here(beginning at the 01:01:18 mark.) The show has already received a good amount of coverage in the Spanish media. More video interviews here.
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SCW Memory Project posts video

October 11, 2010

The Spanish Civil War Memory Project of the University of California at San Diego--whose library hosts one of the world's largest collections on the subject--has posted a first video with an introduction and victims' testimonies (in Spanish).
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Remembering Sam Lesser (cont.)

October 11, 2010
Remembering Sam Lesser (cont.)

Photographer Peter Marshall pays tribute to the recently deceased SCW vet.
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Bilbao pays tribute to SCW journalist

October 11, 2010
Bilbao pays tribute to SCW journalist

EITB reports:

Bilbao city hall inaugurates a street dedicated to the Times journalist George Steer, who informed about the bombing of Gernika in the Basque Country in 1937.The ceremony took place on Friday, October 8th and was attended by the mayor of Bilbao Iñaki...
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