Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Michael Mann set to film Capa/Taro love story

October 31, 2010
Michael Mann set to film Capa/Taro love story

In an interview with Matthew Garrahan in the Financial TImes, acclaimed film director Michael Mann tells about the projects he has underway, including the Hollywood version of the Spanish Civil War romance between the legendary war photographers Robert Capa and Gerda Taro:

He has bought the rights to the story...
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Argentine judge invokes universal justice to probe Spain’s Franco-era crimes

October 31, 2010

Giles Tremlett reports for the Guardian:

In a stark reversal of roles, an Argentine judge has taken a step towards opening the first comprehensive investigation into the human rights abuses of General Franco's dictatorship in Spain. Judge María Servini has asked Spain to declare whether its...
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Manuel Azaña (1880-1940)

October 31, 2010
Manuel Azaña (1880-1940)

he seventieth anniversary of the death of Republican President Manuel Azaña, who passed away on November 3rd, 1940, in France, prompts Público's Diego Barcala to reconsider his legacy. The Spaniards' collective memory of Azaña, he writes, remains strangely similar to the image of Azaña engineered by the Franco regime. Meanwhile, the conservative...
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NYT reviews Civil War novel

October 31, 2010
NYT reviews Civil War novel

Andrea Thompson loves Manuel de Lope's The Wrong Blood, whose story opens just before the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War:

This absorbing novel — the first from the distinguished Spanish author to be translated into English — is full of mild sensations.... While the uncovering of secrets provides the...
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Memories and places of the Lincoln Brigade

October 31, 2010
Memories and places of the Lincoln Brigade

The tour for friends and family of the Lincoln Vets, organized by Alan Warren, started three days ago. Follow their adventures on the blog:

Our last stop was to the Brigade cookhouse below the monument. This was close to where Frank Ryan and Jock Cunningham rallied the demoralised Brigaders on...
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More photos from the Seeger/Davis event

October 28, 2010
More photos from the Seeger/Davis event

Len Tsou just shared his images with us:
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Rare Spanish art resurfaces in NYC adult movie house

October 27, 2010
Rare Spanish art resurfaces in NYC adult movie house

The Spanish Civil War and the defeat of the Republic, immediately followed by the outbreak of World War II, pushed hundreds of thousands of Republicans into exile. But the diaspora was not limited to people: archives, too, were dispersed (hence the "Mexican Suitcase")--and so were works of art. Picasso's monumental painting Guernica, the...
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Garzón: I’m already being convicted

October 26, 2010
Garzón: I’m already being convicted

In response to the brief presented last week outlining the third case against Judge Baltasar Garzón, this one related to alleged irregularities in Garzón's order for a wiretap of Valencian politicians involved in a corruption scandal (the subject of a recent editorial in El País), Garzón declared through his defense attorney that...
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Emilio Silva: Spain in violation of international law

October 26, 2010
Emilio Silva: Spain in violation of international law

"The State fails to comply with international law in order to protect privileges that generated during the dictatorship of which some Spanish social elites still take advantage," said Emilio Silva, the founder of the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory (ARMH), in a chat session with readers of Público today. "The financial support for...
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Silva on 10 years of exhumations

October 23, 2010
Silva on 10 years of exhumations

Today's El País Emilio Silva writes a combative op-ed to mark the 10-year anniversary of the day that volunteers began digging in Priaranza del Bierzo to look for the remains of his grandfather, executed during the Spanish Civil War. Soon after, Silva founded the Asociación para la Recuperación de la Memoria Histórica:

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