Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

The Guardian interviews CJ Sansom

November 17, 2010
The Guardian interviews CJ Sansom

The author of the acclaimed SCW novel Winter in Madrid (reviewed earlier in The Volunteerspeaks with The Guardian's Sarah Crown:

for Sansom, the novel was, and is, a personal endeavour. Studying the period, he was "appalled – by the way the Spanish people were treated by Franco's fascists, the...
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Memorial to Ralph Fox, British IBer, moved

November 17, 2010
Memorial to Ralph Fox, British IBer, moved

The Halifax Evening Courier reports that the memorial plaque commemorating Ralph Fox, who died in late 1936 fighting in the International Brigades, has been moved. More here.
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Público covers UCSD memory project

November 17, 2010

Público today featured the Spanish Civil War Memory Project developed by Luis Martín-Cabrera at the University of California, San Diego, which for the past three years has been collecting and making available online interviews with those who experienced the Civil War and Francoist repression (catalog of videos here). Among the project's...
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The scandal of Spain’s mass graves

November 14, 2010
The scandal of Spain’s mass graves

A long piece by Alasdair Fotheringham in today's Independent:

Today, 71 years after the Spanish civil war ended, 35 years after Franco's death, and four years after a law was passed authorising exhumation of the war's mass graves, barely 10 per cent of the estimated 2,052 sites have been...
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More than 1,100 SCW posters online

November 14, 2010
More than 1,100 SCW posters online

Complementing the well-known collection of Spanish Civil War posters at the University of California, San Diego, and ALBA's own online posters, the University of Barcelona's Memòria Digital de Catalunya, a vast online repository, contains the digital images of more than 1,100 posters and pamphlets of the Spanish Civil War. Click...
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Case of robbed children under Franco back to the National Court

November 13, 2010
Case of robbed children under Franco back to the National Court

In a curious game of judicial ping-pong, a Madrid judge has sent an important case back to the National Criminal Court, specifically to the department that was led by Judge Baltasar Garzón before his controversial suspension, and which is now headed by Judge Pablo Ruz, El País reports. The case, which involves the...
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Spain: Ten years of exhumations

November 13, 2010
Spain: Ten years of exhumations

Today's El País features a five-minute video about the work of Emilio Silva and others, who over the past decade have been working on the "recovery of historical memory." Tomorrow El País will be publishing a larger piece to commemorate the ten-year anniversary of Silva's Association (ARMH). Click here for a Read more »

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Bush, Torture, and Spain

November 12, 2010

As the unforced confessions of former President George W. Bush about the use of torture by the U.S. government have given new urgency to calls for a judicial investigation and prosecution for war crimes (see for instance David Cole in this week's issue of the Nation, and the press release from Amnesty...
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Many SCW newsreels now online

November 12, 2010

For those interested in archival footage of the Spanish Civil War: newsreel footage is increasingly made available not only on DVD but also as streaming video online, for instance at Getty Images, the Internet Archive or Google Video. A particularly rich source is the site of British Pathé. See for...
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Map of mass graves in Catalonia online

November 12, 2010

The autonomous government of Catalonia has launched an interactive, online map, in four languages, of all the known mass graves of victims of the Spanish Civil War and Francoism. For the English version, click here.
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