Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

“The Good Fight” screened in Teaneck, NJ

September 11, 2011

This year's Teaneck International Film Festival, held November 11-13, will feature a screening of the classic Spanish Civil War documentary The Good Fight, by Mary Dore and Sam Sills. More details here.
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Garzón to speak at Harvard

September 11, 2011

Judge Baltasar Garzón, recipient of the first ALBA-Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, will speak at Harvard University's Law School on the topic of "International Crimes and Universal Jurisdiction." September 26, 2011, 12:00 - 1:30 pm. Location: Harvard Law School, Pound Hall 213, 1563 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge; Contact:
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Variety reviews Mexican Suitcase

September 9, 2011

"The discovery of 4,500 photographic negatives shot by famed war photographers Robert Capa, Gerda Taro and David "Chim" Seymour during the Spanish Civil War is given respectful treatment in writer-director Trisha Ziff's Mexican Suitcase," Robert Koehler writes in Variety:

The thrilling frontline photography -- unique in its era -- serves here to illustrate the...
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Guernica stays in Madrid, possibly inspired by Hemingway movie

September 9, 2011
Guernica stays in Madrid, possibly inspired by Hemingway movie

Picasso's best known work, the Guernica, will not be moved to the Basque Country, as the Basque National Party had requested, EITB reports:

The Spanish Senate's Committee on Culture on Wednesday rejected a proposal by the PNV to amend the law regulating the Reina Sofia National Museum of Art, in...
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BBC on SCW children refugees

September 7, 2011
BBC on SCW children refugees

The BBC World Service recently broadcast the 10-minute program Child evacuees from the Spanish Civil War, in which Herminio Martínez talks  about his experiences as Basque child refugee. Listen to the program here.
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New book on British experience of Jarama

September 7, 2011
New book on British experience of Jarama

Ben Hughes' They Shall Not Pass: The British Battalion at Jarama (buy) is reviewed positively by Steve Andrew in the Morning Star:

Opinions differ on whether Jarama really was the victory that republicans claimed at the time, but the one thing that does emerge with some certainty from this...
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More reviews for Mexican Suitcase

September 7, 2011
More reviews for Mexican Suitcase

Trisha Ziff's Mexican Suitcase (trailer, Kickstarter), which after successful runs at DocuWeeks in New York and Los Angeles is on its way to the San Sebastián Film Festival, is continuing to attract the media's attention. "Memory is at the center of The Mexican Suitcase (La Maleta Mexicana), Trisha Ziff’s magnificent, complex...
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Chris Brooks and his ALB Blog

September 7, 2011

Chris Books, the ALBA Board member who is responsible for much of our online database of Lincoln Brigade volunteers, never stops researching for his Biographical Dictionary Project. Follow his latest questions and finds on his blog, Americans in the Spanish Civil War.
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Millie Rosenstein (1915-2011)

August 28, 2011
Millie Rosenstein (1915-2011)

Millie Rosenstein, wife of Lincoln vet Herman Rosenstein, passed away earlier this month at the age of 96 in her hometown of Santa Monica, California. The LookOut News writes:

The mother of former Santa Monica mayor Paul Rosenstein, Millie was a force...
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Film International interviews SCW directors

August 28, 2011
Film International interviews SCW directors

Film International magazine dedicates a good part of its current issue (vol. 9, no. 4) to three giants of Spanish Civil War filmmaking: Jaime Camino (La vieja memoria, Los niños de Rusia), Basilio Martín Patino (Queridísimos verdugos, Caudillo) and Vicente Aranda (Libertarias). Preview here.
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