Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Life sentences for Argentine military; Uruguay may repeal amnesty law

October 26, 2011

Good news for the fight against impunity in the Southern Cone: "An Argentine court sentenced 12 former military and police officials to life in prison on Wednesday for crimes against humanity committed during the country's 1976-1983 military dictatorship," the Associated Press reports today:

Among those sentenced to life in the landmark ruling...
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Videos from memorial unveiling

October 24, 2011

Videos of speeches given at the unveiling of the new IB memorial in Madrid this weekend: UK brigadista David Lomon; AABI president Ana PérezDean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Complutense University: University Rector José Carrillo.
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More photos

October 24, 2011
More photos

A beautiful slideshow of this weekend's events can be found here.
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Media covers 75th anniversary

October 24, 2011

The Spanish media has prominent coverage of this weekend's events to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the creation of the International Brigades: El País interviews three brigaders; Público's headline affirms that the brigaders' legacy is alive and well; ABC covers the trip to Albacete. A full overview of Spanish-language news coverage...
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Garzón on ETA: “This is the end–Now it’s up to democracy and the law.”

October 23, 2011
Garzón on ETA: “This is the end–Now it’s up to democracy and the law.”

Judge Baltasar Garzón welcomes the news that ETA, the terrorist organization that fights for Basque independence, has announced a definitive end to its armed struggle, El País reports from Seattle, WA. From Seattle, Garzón travels regularly to Colombia, where he is working as Special Advisor to the Mission to Support the Peace...
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IB memorial unveiling: photos

October 22, 2011
IB memorial unveiling: photos

Marina Garde and James D. Fernández, who represented ALBA at the unveiling of the new memorial to the International Brigades yesterday in Madrid, send along photos:
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IBMT 75th anniversary gala: video and photos

October 21, 2011
IBMT 75th anniversary gala: video and photos

Jim Jump, our IBMT friend from across the pond, sends along stirring video footage and a slide show from the October 1 gala in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the IB's founding. Here's a film by Sanum Ghafoor based on the IBMT gala evening in London on 1 October, including excerpts from the performances and interviews...
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IB T-shirt

October 21, 2011
IB T-shirt

Philosophy Football, the British company that recently sponsored the 75th anniversary gala honoring the British International Brigaders, have come out with a new T-shirt for "Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade." For more tees inspired by the IBs and Spanish Civil War, see here . See here, and click "dissenters."
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75th anniversary events underway: new IB memorial

October 21, 2011
75th anniversary events underway: new IB memorial

The events commemorating the 75th anniversary of the founding of the International Brigades have begun. Tomorrow will see the unveiling of a new, 12-foot monument to the IB on the campus of the Universidad Complutense, featuring the three-pointed star and the famous lines with with Dolores Ibárruri bade farewell the the IBers in October...
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Bobby Hall to be honored in Chicago

October 21, 2011
Bobby Hall to be honored in Chicago

Yolanda (Bobby) Hall, life-long activist and widow of Lincoln veteran Chuck Hall, is being honored by the Health and Medicine Policy Research Group at its annual gala on November 12, featuring the author Barbara Ehrenreich. See here for a 1999 interview with Bobby as part of the Working Women's History Project....
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