Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Garzón’s Guantánamo investigation reopened

January 14, 2012

Garzón's successor at Spain's National Criminal Court, Judge Pablo Ruz, has sent the prosecutor a 19-page brief reactivating the investigation of human rights abuses and war crimes at the detention facility in Guantánamo Bay, El País reports. Given the lack of judicial action on the part of the US and British authorities, Ruz...
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Intellectuals, HR groups rally to support Garzón as he faces trials

January 14, 2012
Intellectuals, HR groups rally to support Garzón as he faces trials

A group of prominent Spanish intellectuals including the poet Luis García Montero and filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar  have rallied to the support of Baltasar Garzón, the crusading Spanish magistrate who last year received the first ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism. So have Human Rights organizations worldwide. In the next two weeks, Garzón will...
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5th annual Jarama commemoration

January 8, 2012
5th annual Jarama commemoration

This year’s 5th annual Jarama commemoration will take place during the weekend of Friday 17th to Sunday 19th February. As well as the 5th Jarama Memorial Walk, which will take place on Saturday 18th, there will be other events over the weekend. On Friday 17th, Hugh Purcell, whose work on Tom Wintringham, The Last...
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Chile backs off from Orwellian change

January 7, 2012

The conservative government of Chile is “backing off a plan to remove the word “dictatorship” from school textbooks in reference to the government of Gen. Augusto Pinochet,” the Associated Press reports: President Sebastián Piñera’s new education minister, Harald Beyer, started a political uproar when he discussed the plan on Wednesday, which was publicized in...
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Argentine judge investigates Franco crimes

January 5, 2012

IPS news reports:

This month, federal judge María Servini asked Spain for information on Spanish military officials, as part of a new investigation based on a lawsuit filed in April 2010 by human rights lawyers in Argentina in the name of relatives of victims of the...
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Flowers for a Lincoln buried in Spain

January 5, 2012
Flowers for a Lincoln buried in Spain

Jeremy O. Simer sends a touching note: A couple of months ago, my friend Lonnie Nelson called from Seattle to ask me to help her arrange for someone in Gandesa (Tarragona) to lay flowers there in memory of her uncle Kenneth Frederick Nelson, who died in combat there in 1938, at the age of...
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Spanish TV covers Centelles exhibit

December 19, 2011
Spanish TV covers Centelles exhibit

Televisión Española, in last night's news program, covered the exhibit of Spanish Civil War photographer Agustí Centelles that ALBA has co-sponsored, and which is still up at the King Juan Carlos I of Spain Center. See the segment here.
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Edna Moore and Bart van der Schelling

December 16, 2011
Edna Moore and Bart van der Schelling

Diana Anhalt (author of A Gathering of Fugitives, American Political Expatriates in Mexico, 1948-1965), and Yvonne Scholten, biographer of the Dutch miliciana Fanny Schoonheyt, are  interested in obtaining information on the Dutch Lincoln Brigade volunteer Bart van der Schelling.  He was admired as  a  baritone--he recorded Songs of the Spanish Civil War, a...
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“Mexican Suitcase” nominated for prestigious Ariel award

December 11, 2011
“Mexican Suitcase” nominated for prestigious Ariel award

Trisha Ziff's documentary Mexican Suitcase (review, trailer, website) has been one of thirty feature-length films to be nominated for an Ariel, the Mexican equivalent of the Oscar, Cinemanía reports. The most prestigious film award in the Mexican movie industry, the Ariel has been awarded annually since 1947.
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Photography exhibit sparks symposium

December 7, 2011
By and
Photography exhibit sparks symposium

Agustí Centelles (1909-1985) is one of the most important photojournalists of the Spanish Civil War, and his work should be studied alongside that of Robert Capa, David Seymour, Gerda Taro, Hans Namuth, and Georg Reisner. This much is clear in the wake of the successful exhibit Centelles in_edit_¡oh!, which has been on show...
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