Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Chinese volunteers in the SCW (cont.)

June 2, 2013
Chinese volunteers in the SCW (cont.)

Carles Geli, writing for El País, highlights some compelling stories from the newly translated Los brigadistas chinos en la Guerra Civil: La llamada de España (1936-1939), by Hwei-Ru Tsou and Len Tsou
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The surprise of a convicted dictator

May 14, 2013
The surprise of a convicted dictator

Paco de Onís at Skylight Pictures writes: This indelible image captures the moment at the Guatemalan trial of former dictator General Efraín Ríos Montt, when he and his mustachioed legal team are listening to Judge Jasmín Barrios as she pronounces him guilty of commiting genocide and crimes against humanity against the Maya Ixil people,...
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More on Guatemala from Amy Goodman

May 13, 2013

More on the Ríos Montt conviction in today’s broadcast of Democracy Now!
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Ríos Montt convicted of genocide

May 11, 2013
Ríos Montt convicted of genocide

The BBC reports from Guatemala City, where ALBA/Puffin Award winners Fredy Peccerelli and Kate Doyle have been testifying in the historical trial of former dictator Efraín Ríos Montt:

A court in Guatemala has found former military leader Efrain Rios Montt guilty of genocide and crimes against...
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Orwell conference images

April 9, 2013
Orwell conference images

The images from the Len Crome lecture and conference on George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia are now available on the IBMT’s Flickr site.
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More on Guatemala

April 5, 2013

An excellent post at the NYRblog by human-rights leader Aryeh Neier about the unprecedented prosecution of Guatemala’s former head of state: …the prosecution of General Efraín Ríos Montt in Guatemala, now eighty-six years old, stands out in at least one respect. For the first time, a former head of state is being tried for...
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The women who fought to report WWII

March 20, 2013
The women who fought to report WWII

Executive Producers Jeanne Houck (ALBA Board Member) & Michele Fillion (EP and director) announce the TV broadcast premiere of “No Job for A Woman”: The Women Who Fought to Report WWII on PBS World Channel starting March 20th. Before World War II, war reporting was considered NO JOB FOR A WOMAN. But when American...
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Invitation for ALBA’s May 5 NYC event

March 20, 2013
Invitation for ALBA’s May 5 NYC event

Here is the invitation for ALBA's annual event in New York City (download as pdf; order tickets online):
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Resistance to immigration reform eroding

March 20, 2013

"Republican opposition to legalizing the status of millions of illegal immigrants is crumbling" among leading Republicans, Ashley Parker and Michael Shear write in the NY Times: "leading lawmakers in the party scramble to halt eroding support among Hispanic voters — a shift that is providing strong momentum for an...
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Full of piss, vinegar and militant optimism

March 19, 2013
Full of piss, vinegar and militant optimism

Clancy Sigal writes to the London Review of Books in response to Gideon Lewis-Kraus’s review of Richard Baxell's Unlikely Warriors:

The drift of Gideon Lewis-Kraus’s piece about the Spanish Civil War is that it was ‘one wake-up call after another’, in which the untrained, poorly armed volunteers had their optimism shattered by...
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