Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

Gervasio Puerta (1921-2013)

August 17, 2013
Gervasio Puerta (1921-2013)

From Spain we have received the sad news of the passing of Gervasio Puerta, vice-president of the Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI), who dedicated his entire life to the struggle for justice and against fascism. As a fifteen-year old boy, Gervasio lied about his age in order to join the Republican...
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Who is Edgar James Cody?

August 3, 2013
Who is Edgar James Cody?

Samuel Basterra writes with a a request for help: Fausto Villar was a Spanish 19-year-old conscripted into the Spanish Civil war in 1937, assigned to the international Fifteenth Brigade. He felt a profound admiration for both Robert Merriman and Edgar James Cody. Fausto Villar chose to remain with Merriman when he died on the morning of April 2,...
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New IBMT Newsletter

July 30, 2013
New IBMT Newsletter

Our friends in the UK at the International Brigade Memorial Trust have just sent us their latest newsletter: 28 pages with articles on the imperiled IB monument in Madrid, a new monument in Scotland, the Crome Memorial debates about Orwell, book reviews, and much more. Read it in pdf here.
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IB musical poised for Spanish premiere

July 25, 2013
IB musical poised for Spanish premiere

Karl Lewkowicz writes: Goodbye Barcelona, a major new British musical celebrating the International Brigades and marking the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Ebro in the Spanish Civil War (promo here), which had a sellout run in London in 2011, will be celebrating its Spanish premiere on September 26, running through till at least...
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Documenting the Ríos Montt trial

July 16, 2013
Documenting the Ríos Montt trial

Paco de Onís of Skylight Pictures, who together with Pamela Yates and Peter Kinnoy made Granito: How to Nail a Dictator, writes: We filmed the entire genocide trial of General Efraín Ríos Montt, gavel to gavel, and have produced Dictator in the Dock, a series of 24 webisodes (3-5 minutes each) that will immerse you...
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Save the Madrid Monument!

July 12, 2013
Save the Madrid Monument!

Here is an impassioned speech about the imperiled IB monument in Madrid by Almudena Cros of the Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI). The video was taken this past July 6 at the annual commemoration in London:
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Toshi Seeger passes away

July 11, 2013
Toshi Seeger passes away

We have just received the sad news that Toshi Seeger, Pete Seeger’s wife, passed away on July 9. Mark Moss at writes: She was a mother, an organizer, an activist and filmmaker … and an essential part of all of her husband’s work. She was 91. As much as Pete is a consummate...
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UT Austin’s Ransom Center acquires Probst Solomon papers

July 11, 2013
UT Austin’s Ransom Center acquires Probst Solomon papers

This week the Harry Ransom Center in Austin, Texas–which houses one of the largest humanities collections in the world–announced the acquisition of the papers of Barbara Probst Solomon (b. 1928), a long-time friend and ally of the Spanish Republic and the Lincoln Brigade. The collection includes manuscripts, correspondence, published books, first drafts, interviews, documentaries and...
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Preston on Orwell (via Jim Jump)

July 9, 2013
Preston on Orwell (via Jim Jump)

Our friends at the IBMT have posted Paul Preston's lecture on George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, read at the Len Crome Memorial event by IBMT secretary Jim Jump (Preston himself was unable to attend).  See the video below or on YouTube. Marshall Mateer provides some useful context for a U.S. audience:

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London IB commemoration: pictures

July 9, 2013
London IB commemoration: pictures

The annual commemoration in honor of the International Brigades was held in London on July 6. See a slideshow here, courtesy of photographer Guy Smallman and the IBMT. More pictures, courtesy of Almudena Cros of the Asociación de los Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI), on Facebook here.
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