Author Archive for Sebastiaan Faber

The death of Samaranch

April 23, 2010

Juan Antonio Samaranch, of the International Olympic Committee, has died at age 89. Dave Zirin writes at The Nation:

When appointed head of the IOC in 1980 Samaranch was known as a proud and open fascist.   When General Francisco Franco's fascists fought the Spanish Republicans during the 1936 Spanish Civil...
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Walter Hood, ALB Monument Designer, wins competition

April 23, 2010
Walter Hood, ALB Monument Designer, wins competition

SUNY Buffalo announces:

Internationally renowned artist and landscape architect Walter Hood of Oakland, Calif., is the winner of a public art competition to design the 1.1 megawatt solar array that will be constructed by NYPA this year on UB's North Campus. Hood has made important contributions to the cities...
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Amnesty International: “Charges against Garzón must be dropped”

April 23, 2010
Amnesty International: “Charges against Garzón must be dropped”

Widney Brown, Senior Director of Amnesty International, states:

This is outrageous. As a matter of principle, Amnesty International does not take a position on the merits of the specific charges made against a person under investigation by a court, but in this case – where investigative Judge Baltasar Garzón is...
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Argentina, Spain’s example?

April 23, 2010
Argentina, Spain’s example?

IPS reports:

Argentina is an example for Spaniards to bear in mind as they investigate crimes committed during the 1939-1975 dictatorship of general Francisco Franco, says Emilio Silva, head of the Spanish Association for the Recovery of Historic Memory (ARMH). Silva took part in the Madrid launch of the book...
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Revise and resubmit?

April 22, 2010

In a stunning move, report El País and Público, Supreme Court Justice Luciano Varela, in charge of the case against Baltasar Garzón, has sent back the documents submitted by Falange Española (the Spanish fascist party) and Manos Limpias (an extreme right-wing public-servant union) that lay out the charges against the magistrate, and...
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Contribute to this blog!

April 21, 2010

Have an idea for a story or blog post for the Volunteer?  Send us an email at
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Emilio Silva answers readers’ questions

April 21, 2010
Emilio Silva answers readers’ questions

In El País today:

It is clear that Francoism gave rise to a social elite that continues to hold positions of privlege. Some of the companies that are part of the stock market index began accumulating their fortunes through the use of political prisoners .

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Picasso at the Met

April 21, 2010

From the New York Observer:

Pablo Picasso liked to work fast. When no new canvases were handy, he painted over what he already had. He reportedly completed his masterpiece of the Spanish Civil War, Guernica, in six weeks.

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Interview with the Chilean judge who took on Pinochet

April 21, 2010
Interview with the Chilean judge who took on Pinochet

His views on the Garzón case at Radio Netherlands Worldwide:

Have conservative forces in Spain influenced this decision? Yes, this also happened in Chile. The most conservative forces had an interest in repression, as they were on the ideological side of Pinochet in Chile and on that of Franco...
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Former anti-corruption DA denounces case against Garzón

April 21, 2010

Carlos Jiménez Villarejo, a former District Attorney who specialized in anti-corruption cases, writes in El Público on the allegations of bribe against Garzón:

It is reasonable and, above all, just, to demand an immediate dropping of these charges, which, like all of the charges still pending , are completely unfounded....
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