On Sunday, Feb. 17, despite chilly and windy weather, 50,000 people converged to Washington, DC demanding that President Obama block the Keystone XL pipeline and take action against climate change.
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On Sunday, Feb. 17, despite chilly and windy weather, 50,000 people converged to Washington, DC demanding that President Obama block the Keystone XL pipeline and take action against climate change.
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Among the nearly 3,000 U.S. volunteers who joined the International Brigades in Spain, there were two Chinese: Chi Chang (张纪) from Minnesota and Dong Hong Yick (his Chinese name: 陈文饶, Wen Rao Chen) from New York’s Chinatown. Chang survived the Spanish Civil War, but Yick was killed at Gandesa in 1938. Chi Chang came from...
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This year marks the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Port Huron Statement, which was the founding document of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). The PH Statement advocated for participatory democracy and helped launch the student movement of the 1960s. On April 12 and 13, a timely conference entitled “The Port Huron Statement...
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