Author Archive for The editors

Betty Medsger: Exposing domestic surveillance, anno 1971

June 12, 2014
Betty Medsger: Exposing domestic surveillance, anno 1971

Betty Medsger delivered the annual Susman Lecture, based on her recent book The Burglary: he Discovery of J. Edgar Hoover's Secret FBI. Medsger's book features the never-before-told full story of the history-changing break-in at the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, in 1971. (Video, 49')
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Fight apathy! Young ALBA activist mobilizes peers

June 12, 2014
Fight apathy! Young ALBA activist mobilizes peers

Andrew Plotch, ALBA-Puffin Foundation Youth Activist and a high school senior in New Jersey, is the creator and leader of the nationwide Fight Apathy Campaign.
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ALBA inspires Massachusetts teachers

June 12, 2014
ALBA inspires Massachusetts teachers

ALBA hosted another successful teaching institute this spring, the first one in Massachusetts.
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NY students showcase SCW-inspired poster art

June 12, 2014
NY students showcase SCW-inspired poster art

Stuyvesant High School marked the 75th anniversary of the end of the Spanish Civil War with presentations based on ALBA’s recent Teaching Institute.
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New York event: Audio, video & and photo gallery

June 12, 2014
New York event: Audio, video & and photo gallery

Video summary (17'); Stevenson’s acceptance speech (31'), Farrell and Stevenson (podcast video, 55').
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Solidarity Forever: NY reunion carries the torch forward

June 11, 2014
Solidarity Forever: NY reunion carries the torch forward

At ALBA’s moving event in New York, actor Mike Farrell, singer Josh White, Jr., and Amnesty International’s Steven Hawkins help honor Pete Seeger and Bryan Stevenson while celebrating the Lincoln volunteers’ commitment to social and racial justice. Video, 17'
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Del Berg turns 98: Response overwhelming

March 21, 2014
Del Berg turns 98: Response overwhelming

One of the two last reported living veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, Delmer Berg, turned 98 on December 20. We invited you to send your birthday greetings were been completely overwhelmed by the response. You can read a sampling online at where you can also see part of a recent video...
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ALBA reunion on April 27 honors Pete Seeger, Bryan Stevenson: Tickets available

March 21, 2014
ALBA reunion on April 27 honors Pete Seeger, Bryan Stevenson: Tickets available

ALBA's 78th reunion on Sunday, April 27 honors the memory of Pete Seeger and features Bryan Stevenson, winner of the 2014 ALBA/Puffin Award. Tickets | Video | Press Kit
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Equal Justice lawyer Bryan Stevenson wins 2014 ALBA/Puffin Award

March 21, 2014
Equal Justice lawyer Bryan Stevenson wins 2014 ALBA/Puffin Award

Bryan Stevenson, the founder and Executive Director of the Equal Justice Initiative, will accept the fourth ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism award at ALBA’s annual event in New York on April 27.
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Bay Area honors Vets and Dreamers

December 19, 2013
Bay Area honors Vets and Dreamers

“Singing was an important part of our life in Spain,” wrote Lincoln Brigade volunteer Carl Geiser. And music was a strong theme at the West Coast ALBA annual reunion held at the Freight & Salvage music hall in Berkeley, California on October 6.
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