Author Archive for Chris Brooks

Spanish Civil War Pamphlets Accessible Online

September 28, 2012
Spanish Civil War Pamphlets Accessible Online

The Internet Archive, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, has several pamphlets and magazines related to American volunteers in the Spanish Civil War in its online collection.  These open source documents provide access to materials normally accessible only within an archive.  All of these items were published for fundraising and propaganda purposes and provide a view...
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Book Review: Ivor Hickman, the last to fall

March 9, 2012
Book Review: Ivor Hickman, the last to fall

The Last to Fall, The Life and Letters of Ivor Hickman – an International Brigadier in Spain, by John L. Wainwright’s. Hatchet Green Publishing, 2012. From the cover photograph, of the International Brigade volunteer’s weather-beaten face to the closing lines of "The Last to Fall, The Life and Letters of Ivor Hickman – an International Brigadier...
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Book Review: Ernest Hemingway’s pal

December 4, 2011
Book Review: Ernest Hemingway’s pal

Grace Under Pressure: The Life of Evan Shipman. By Sean O’Rourke. Harwood Publishing and Unlimited Publishing, 2011. “I owe Spain a great deal,” Evan Shipman wrote to his good friend Ernest Hemingway on his return from Spain in June 1938. Shipman’s road to war followed a unique path that was influenced by the novelist. He...
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The Lincoln Brigade in Life Magazine

March 18, 2010
The Lincoln Brigade in Life Magazine

Google Books now has the full content of LIFE Magazine available online. There are two articles on American volunteers: March 28, 1938, Americans Have Died For Democracy in Spain, pp. 56-57; October 31, 1938, American Fighters Against Fascism Come Home From Spanish Civil War, p. 17.
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