search results for "salas cartier"

Juan Salas interviewed on Cartier-Bresson ALB film at Cinema du Réel

April 13, 2011
Juan Salas interviewed on Cartier-Bresson ALB film at Cinema du Réel

Juan Salas was in Paris in March, alongside ALBA's Robert Coale, to present With the Lincoln Brigade in Spain, the rediscovered film by Henri Cartier-Bresson and Herbert Kline (clip here), at Cinéma du Réel, the prestigous international documentary film festival. Here is an interview with Juan (in French) from the Festival...
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Orphan DVD with Cartier-Bresson Lincoln Brigade wins award

July 2, 2011
Orphan DVD with Cartier-Bresson Lincoln Brigade wins award

The Orphan Film Symposium DVD containing the recovered and restored film With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain, by Henri-Cartier-Bresson and Herb Kline, was just award for "Most Original Contribution to Film History" at the prestigious Cinema Ritrovato festival in Bologna, Italy. It was the scholar and ALBA friend Juan Salas who, while conducting research on...
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Smithsonian covers Cartier-Bresson film

July 17, 2010
Smithsonian covers Cartier-Bresson film

Daniel Eagan, writing for the Smithsonian, considers the importance of the recently recovered 18-minute film With the Lincoln Brigade in Spain, by Henri Cartier-Bresson (clip here):

With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade is not high art, but it is a passionate film that complements Cartier-Bresson’s other work. It...
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Sao Paolo newspaper covers Cartier-Bresson find

June 12, 2010

Silas Martí writes in the Folha de Sao Paolo on Juan Salas' discovery of Henri Cartier-Bresson's long-lost Spanish Civil War documentary, With the Lincoln Brigade in Spain (clip here):

Na época, o artista já tinha uma reputação como fotógrafo de toada surrealista. Mas, na volta ao cinema por...
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Juan Salas interviewed in Le Monde

June 7, 2010

French paper Le Monde interviewed Juan Salas on his discovery of With the Lincoln Brigade in Spain, the long-lost Spanish Civil War documentary by Henri Cartier-Bresson (videoclip here).
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Le Monde on the Cartier-Bresson film

May 19, 2010

Pierre Assouline, biographer of Henri Cartier-Bresson, reflects in his blog at Le Monde on the importance of Juan Salas' discovery of a long-lost Spanish Civil War film (clip here):

It is hard to watch these silent images without being reminded of Cartier-Bresson's great regret: to have...
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El País highlights Cartier-Bresson film found in ALBA archives

May 14, 2010

Today's El País features an article on With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, the short silent documentary by Henri Cartier-Bresson that was recently found by Juan Salas in the ALBA collection at New York University's Tamiment Library, restored by Alice Moscoso and her team at the Barbara Goldsmith Preservation and Conservation...
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Lopate on Cartier-Bresson’s Lincoln Brigade film

April 30, 2010
Lopate on Cartier-Bresson’s Lincoln Brigade film

Leonard Lopate, at WNYC, interviews Juan Salas and Jeanne Houck about Cartier-Bresson's With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.
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Henri Cartier-Bresson’s Spanish Civil War film reviewed

March 12, 2010

Nick Ravich at Art21: "The biggest treat of the evening was the world premiere of the recently rediscovered 20-minute, silent 35mm film With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (1937-38)."
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Henri Cartier-Bresson Film 
Found in ALBA Archive

March 6, 2010
Henri Cartier-Bresson Film 
Found in ALBA Archive

In late summer 1937, former editor of the journal New Theater, Herbert Kline, traveled to Spain with French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and cameraman Jacques Lemare to shoot a documentary about the sanitary services of the American Medical Bureau, an organization created in the United States to aid...
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