Orphan DVD with Cartier-Bresson Lincoln Brigade wins award

Jacques Lemare, Henri Cartier-Bresson and Herbert Kline. (Tamiment Library, NYU, 15th IB Photo Collection, Photo #11_0818)
The Orphan Film Symposium DVD containing the recovered and restored film With the Abraham Lincoln Brigade in Spain, by Henri-Cartier-Bresson and Herb Kline, was just award for “Most Original Contribution to Film History” at the prestigious Cinema Ritrovato festival in Bologna, Italy. It was the scholar and ALBA friend Juan Salas who, while conducting research on ALBA still photography, was able to identify the footage in the archive at Tamiment as Cartier-Bresson’s “missing” documentary on the Spanish Civil War. Previous coverage of the Cartier-Bresson film here; clip here).