“Happy Landing” by Lieutenant Pete Laly

Captain Rollin Dart, Brigade Staff, December 1937; Harry Randall: Fifteenth International Brigade Films and Photographs; ALBA PHOTO 011; 0636;
Tamiment Library/Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
Elmer Holmes Bobst Library
70 Washington Square South
New York, NY 10012, New York University Libraries.
Nuestra Voz, Organo de la 86 Brigada, No. 2, 13 de Julio 1937, p. 3
Lieutenant Ronald Dart served as a combat officer in the American Air Force for seven years. In sympathy with the workers of the world, he resigned his commission. When the call to arms was sounded by the anti-fascists, he offered his services to the Spanish people as a bombing pilot. On his arrival in Albacete he was offered a job as clerk in one of the offices attached to the Brigade. This he refused and applied for infantry service.
He came to Chimona [Chimora?] Mountain as adjutant of the 2nd company when Captain Trail was promoted to the Staff. Dart immediately took command of the Company. His coolness under very trying conditions and his care of the comrades made him respected by all ranks. On the bloody day when the Moors broke through, he proved himself a born Infantry officer. His handling of troops and the retaking of the position strongly held by the enemy proved him a born technician.
We have heard that the air corps want him mañana—well it’s the air corps gain and our loss.
So from the bunch in No. 2 we give you the old toast.
Happy Landings.