Hans Landauer, 1921 – 2014

Hans Landauer (1921 – 2014) was the last surviving member of the Austrian Combatants in Republican Spain
“I do not regret at all having been in Spain at the time, I would not have missed it for the world. For me it was the teaching of my life; I learned camaraderie, solidarity, to be considerate of others.” Hans Landauer, Austrian Brigader
We are sad to report that we received notice this morning from Alumendra Cros, President of the Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI) that Hans Landauer past away July 19, 2014 (read her full note below).
At 93 years, he was the last surviving member of the Austrian Brigaders. Hans Landauer joined the XV Brigade at age 16 having changed his name and passed himself off as 18. After leaving Spain, he was arrested in Nazi-occupied Paris and sent to Dachau. He credited the solidarity amongst his fellow prisoners for his survival of the Nazi Concentration Camp.
Throughout his remaining years, Landauer chronicled the experience of Austrian Brigaders in the Spanish Civil War. His writings include the histories of nearly 1,400 Austrian volunteers that fought against the facsist troops, led by General Franco, in defense of the legally elected Spanish Republic.
Letter from Almudena Cros, President of AABI
“Too soon after the sad news of the passing of Gert Hoffman, it is our duty to inform you that our very dear friends Hans Landauer died in his sleep last night. Hans was the very last Austrian veteran from the International Brigades. Those of us who were fortunate to get to meet him will never forget his deep humanitarian character, his spirit of solidarity without borders and his constant fight for freedom, as well as his indefatigable work researching and gathering documentation to keep alive the memory of the Austrian members of the International Brigades.
Irene Filip, Secretary of the Organization of Austrian Combatants in Republican Spain (Gedenkverein der Republikanisches Spanier in Österreich) has requested that it is AABI who releases the sad news, on behalf of our Association and of our Austrian sister organization, to our Friends and comrades in other countries and in other sister associations. It is a sad day for our Austrian friends, who in such a short time have lost their last surviving Brigaders, but of course, in the international solidarity that inspired our beloved heroes and heroines, it is a sad day for anybody who cares for freedom and justice, regardless of their nationality.
Vivan las Brigadas Internacionales!
Queridos compañeros: Después de la triste noticia de la muerte de Gert Hoffmann, tenemos que comunicaros otra no menos dolorosa: esta noche ha fallecido mientras dormía nuestro muy querido amigo Hans Landauer. Con él desaparece el último superviviente austriaco de las Brigadas Internacionales. Quienes hemos tenido la fortuna de conocerle de cerca nunca podremos olvidar su inmensa humanidad, su espíritu de solidaridad sin fronteras y su constante lucha por la libertad, así como su gran trabajo de indagaciòn y recopilación de datos para mantener viva la memoria de los voluntarios austriacos de las Brigadas Internacionales.
Irene Filip, secretaria de la Asociación de Voluntarios Austriacos en la España Republicana nos ha pedido que sea la AABI la que, en nombre propio y en nombre de la organización austriaca, dé a conocer la triste noticia a las organizaciones amigas en otros países. Es un día triste para Austria que en tan corto espacio de tiempo ha perdido a sus últimos brigadistas, pero, por supuesto, dentro de la solidaridad internacional que inspiró a nuestros queridos heróes y heroinas, es un día triste para cualquier persona a la que le importen los valores de justicia y libertad, independientemente de su nacionalidad.
Vivan las Brigadas Internacionales!”