Survivors’ testimony from the Guatemalan Civil War

March 5, 2012

Laurie Levinger and Anna Moccia-Field have launched a new website with testimonies from Maya survivors of the civil war in Guatemala. Laurie, niece of Lincoln vet Sam Levinger, has been interviewing survivors for more than six years. Her book, What War? Testimonies of Maya Survivors / ¿Cuál guerra? Testimonios de sobrevivientes mayas include many testimonies taken in 2005-2007.


3 Responses to “ Survivors’ testimony from the Guatemalan Civil War ”

  1. natalie on March 7, 2012 at 10:40 pm

    I am curious as to what museum exhibitions currently are dealing with these issues and all latin american history and or immigration laws.


  2. Carol Johnson on August 10, 2012 at 6:05 pm

    Greetings. I am currently looking for a list of the victims, particularly those from the Nebaj, El Quiche area. As the Holocaust victims’ names have been compiled and are currently available on the website Yad Vasham, I am hoping someone has started a project for the victims of Guatemala’s Civil War. Please let me know if you are aware. Thanks.

    Carol Johnson

  3. Sandra on May 5, 2015 at 2:35 pm

    Since this article three years ago, Laurie’s work has continued. We are sending her back to Guatemala to release her new book, “Guerra inconclusa” to challenge the Guatemalan government decree that a genocide as a result of their civil war is a legal impossibility. It’s very important and with great IB Spirit that Laurie is heading back to the mountains of Guatemala and the people who have come to rely on her singular power to help make a difference in their lives.
    Please check in at John Cornford on Facebook to see some updates about Laurie’s next steps for recover of historical memory and human rights for Los Pueblas Maya!