Lectures on the historical memory of the Spanish Civil War
The Center for European Studies at the University of Michigan has streaming audio and video of five hour-long lectures on Spain’s coming to terms with its violent past, including one by ALBA board member Jo Labanyi. Here are the links:
“Dealing with the Legacy of Political Violence: Memory Debates and the Role of the Audiovisual Media in Spain.” Jo Labanyi, New York University. Thu, Jan 21, 2010 (audio ) (video
“The Spanish Transition to Democracy as Postwar Times.”Joan Ramon Resina, Stanford University. Thu, Jan 28, 2010.(audio ) (video
“The Unfinished Business of the Spanish Transition to Democracy.” Gema Pérez-Sánchez, associate professor of Spanish, University of Miami. Thu, Feb 11, 2010. (audio ) (video
“Past (Im)perfect or Present Continuous? The Greek and Spanish Democratic Transitions in Retrospect.” Konstantinos Kornetis, visiting assistant professor of modern Greek and Balkan history, Brown University. Thu, Mar 11, 2010. (audio ) (video
“History Memory, Fiction: The Struggle over Discursive Hegemony in the Representation of Spain’s Violent Past.” Sebastiaan Faber, professor and chair of Hispanic studies, Oberlin College. Thu, Mar 25, 2010. (audio ) (video