search results for "garzon"

Colombian Association of Jurists in support of Garzón

April 21, 2010

El País reports that the Comisión Colombiana de Juristas has issued a press release in which it expresses great worry about the decision of the Spanish Supreme Court to move ahead with the case against the investigative magistrate.
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Financial Times editorial on Garzón

April 21, 2010

The Financial Times writes that the case against Garzón

has the hallmarks of a politically motivated attempt to smear and disbar a courageous public official who has fought terrorists and state-sanctioned death squads, corruption and tyranny. It is without merit and reflects poorly on Spain’s increasingly politicised judicial system. ...
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Harper’s on Garzón

April 17, 2010

Scott Horton writes:

It may well turn out that Judge Garzón touched the third rail of Spanish politics by opening the door to investigation of the crimes of the Franco past. But his offense in the end can never be termed more than a political miscalculation.

More here. See also...
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The Garzón case & International Law

April 16, 2010

Deirdre Montgomery at the International Criminal Law Bureau writes:

The crux of the case is whether the amnesty law can be limited or superseded by crimes against humanity. It will be interesting to see how much weight international case law (notably the Special Court of Sierra Leone decision to...
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Garzón testifies before the Spanish Supreme Court

April 16, 2010

The AP reports:

Spain's most prominent judge, already charged with abuse of power in a potentially career-ending indictment, denied any wrongdoing as he testified Thursday as a suspect in a separate bribery investigation that has compounded his legal woes.

More here. See also the London Times.
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The BBC on Garzón

April 15, 2010

A television segment from today and a radio clip from a week ago.
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The Garzón case: Protests in Spain & International Media

April 14, 2010
The Garzón case: Protests in Spain & International Media

El País has a useful overview of international editorials on the Garzón case. Reuters covers the union protest in Spain. Read more »

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The Guardian on Garzón

April 13, 2010

Reed Brody today in The Guardian:

Thirty-five years after the death of General Francisco Franco, Spain is finally prosecuting someone in connection with the crimes of his dictatorship, and of the Spanish civil war which came...
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Week of mass events in support of Garzón

April 13, 2010
Week of mass events in support of Garzón

Yesterday the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory, together with other organizations such as the left Spanish labor unions, kicked off what is going to be a week of mass international protests against the persecution of Judge Baltasar Garzón for his attempt to investigate possible crimes against humanity committed during the...
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Complaint against Supreme Court justice trying Garzón

April 12, 2010

El País reports: The organizations for the recovery of historical memory on whose behalf Judge Baltasar Garzón initiated an investigation of Francoist crimes--an case that resulted in Garzón's being accused of overstepping his judicial boundaries, and facing a possible 20-year suspension--are now charging the Supreme Court Justice in question with overstepping his judicial...
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