
Media spotlight on Doyle and Peccerelli

June 13, 2012
Media spotlight on Doyle and Peccerelli

The New Yorker, CNN, ProPublica, PRI, NPR, and EFE were among the media featuring this year's ALBA/Puffin Award winners. “How do you bring tolerance and democracy to a country in which a murderous military, which over the years killed some two hundred thousand of its own citizens, is...
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Greetings from Garzón, Amigos

June 13, 2012
Greetings from Garzón, Amigos

Judge Baltasar Garzón, winner of the 2011 ALBA/Puffin Award for Human Rights Activism, sent a video message to congratulate this year's winners, while the Asociación de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales (AABI) was represented at the New York event by treasurer Isabel Pinar.
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ALBA/Puffin Award supports struggle for victims’ rights in Latin America

June 13, 2012
ALBA/Puffin Award supports struggle for victims’ rights in Latin America

ALBA’s annual celebrations in New York City and Berkeley, California (video; photos), commemorated the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Guernica and honored the groundbreaking work of two tireless defenders of human rights in Latin America: Fredy Peccerelli, Executive Director of the Guatemalan Forensic Anthropology Foundation, and Kate Doyle, Senior Analyst of U.S. policy in Latin...
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Belafonte, Sarandon, Baldwin, and Sheen invite you to join us in NYC

March 9, 2012
Belafonte, Sarandon, Baldwin, and Sheen invite you to join us in NYC

Harry Belafonte, Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin, and Martin Sheen are among the members of the Honorary Committee inviting you to join us at the annual event in New York City honoring the volunteers of the Lincoln Brigade, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Guernica bombing, and supporting the fight for human rights.  Tickets for the event...
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“From Guernica to Human Rights”: ALBA’s annual NYC celebration

March 9, 2012
“From Guernica to Human Rights”: ALBA’s annual NYC celebration

ALBA's 76th annual celebration (tickets here) will focus on civilian victims of armed conflict, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the bombing of the Basque city of Guernica (which took place on April 26, 1937) and the struggle for Human Rights in Latin America and elsewhere. ALBA's annual New York event will take place...
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ALBA announces 2012 Institutes for high school teachers in five states

February 17, 2012
ALBA announces 2012 Institutes for high school teachers in five states

ALBA is proud to announce its 2012 teaching institutes for high school teachers, made possible by the Puffin Foundation and donors like you: March 17, 2012: Professional development day in Seattle, co-hosted by the Center for Spanish Studies and the Division of Spanish and Portuguese of the University of Washington, with Anthony Geist, Peter Carroll,...
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Archive news: Photos now available online

February 16, 2012

Rickard Jorgensen, who has generously supported the development of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade collection at NYU's Tamiment library, writes: After much work by Mike Nash, Gail Malmgreen,  Elizabeth Compa, Evan Daniel, Laura Helton, Julie Kessle, Porsche Martin and Jessica Weglein, the "Randall: Fifteenth International Brigade Photograph Collection" and the "Photograph International Brigades...
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Radical liberation: A road to the Spanish Civil War

December 4, 2011
Radical liberation: A road to the Spanish Civil War

The story of Thane Summers, a student at the University of Washington, provides a case study of one man’s road to the Spanish Civil War. Because he came from a middle class, white, native born, Christian family, Thane did not experience the social discrimination and political disenfranchisement common to many other Lincoln volunteers. He...
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Masculinity, sexuality & anti-clerical violence

December 4, 2011
Masculinity, sexuality & anti-clerical violence

This essay examines a crucial facet of violence against the clergy: the processes by which male identities, and popular ideas regarding priests’ sexuality and masculinity, influenced the forms and intensity of anticlerical violence. During the conflict, acts of violent anticlerical collective action were committed primarily by male workers. Although women did take part in...
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Two students win 2011 ALBA essay awards

December 4, 2011
Two students win 2011 ALBA essay awards

ALBA’s George Watt Memorial Essay Prizes are awarded annually to a graduate student and an undergraduate student who have written an outstanding essay or thesis chapter about any aspect of the Spanish Civil War, the global political or cultural struggles against fascism in the 1920s and 1930s, or the lifetime histories and contributions...
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